The Mal'akh of Machecoul

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edited 2/26/23

Sometimes dreaming was hard. Not because they were bad dreams, or nightmares, rather the opposite, they were so good I didn't want them to end. I didn't want to leave his arms, and wake up to an empty bed in another country, cuddling against my body pillow instead of his slow beating heart.

We shared dreams through his vampiric dormancy and my nightly sleep, our minds connected through the bond, and we'd see each other again. Every dream was pure bliss, to at least see and feel him again, wrap my arms around him  with our hearts beating against each other.  I would tell him about our family and our lives in France.

He always wanted to hear about our daughter. He was connected to her the way I was with him, but he couldn't link to her as easily because their bond was strained. "Tell her I love her." He asked me the previous time.

"She knows. She loves you too, Adrian, and she does not hate you. She just has a lot to process."

This current dream had us snuggled together under the blanket in the castle bedroom. My head lay on his bare chest, listening to his slow, melodic  heartbeat  while he gently stroked through my hair. I didn't open my eyes, because I knew I'd wake up if I did. Let me enjoy this moment when we were interconnected and together from afar.

"It's time to get up, my dear,"

"I don't want to." I refused

"Darling, you must wake up." He caressed my forehead. "Open your eyes, and greet the day."

"I don't want to." I repeated. "When I open my eyes you won't be with me"

"I am always with you." His lips touched my cheek. "Our souls are intertwined and our minds are forever connected. All you need is to call on me and I will be with you, even if  I'm not physically there." He kissed me again, his lips lingering on my skin. "Wake up my angel......"

I drifted into the waking world, wrapped against the body pillow with the morning light on the curtains. I groaned, tearfully nuzzling into the pillow before getting myself out of bed.

Is Emma cooking again? I wrinkled my nose at the burnt smell of bacon. She's never up this early. The old wooden stairs  creaked beneath my feet as I stepped downstairs. "Morning Mom." Emma turned her head as she flipped a browning pancake in the air.

"Good morning Em." I rubbed my eyes. "I didn't know you were up making breakfast. Smells delicious."

"Thanks." Emma flipped the pancake on the tray with three others.  "I wanted to treat you. I just had this feeling you needed it. I made pancakes and bacon, just like in the old days. Oh! Don't open the curtains! Vance is here!" She pointed to the large black bat roosting on the ceiling.

"Good morning Vance." I waved up at the bat surprised. "What's he doing up there?

Watching and making sure your daughter doesn't accidentally burn  your house down  . Vance's voice rang telepathically in my mind.

"Hey I heard that!" Emma shouted up at him. "For the record,  I am a very good cook."

I know. The bat chattered. You just have a tendency to set things on fire. Like  when you nearly burned down the cooking tent at Brandywine

"Hey that wasn't my fault! We lost and everyone including me was stressed out!" Emma waved her pan at him.

"Don't worry. I can easily put out a fire if it starts.Emma honey, I think the bacon is burning." I quietly added in.

"Shit!" Emma quickly extinguished the fire, opening up the window to let out the smoke. Vance flapped his wings and moved away from the creak of sunlight. "I burned it, I'm sorry Mom." The bat chattered like a laughing rat.

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