Light at the End

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Emma instructed them to take the left tunnel and follow it straight until they reached the surface. "Just trust me. I know." Emma insisted when Richter doubted her. Vance believed her by the certainty in her voice.

The ascent was slow and steady. Though they journeyed in darkness, they felt the elevation the rise in beneath their feet. "Just keep going, we will get there."Emma struggled to keep pace. Her limbs ached to the point it spread from her fractures to her entire body, and she was utterly exhausted. She knew if she stopped to rest she wouldn't get up until her strength returned, and her muscles healed with her bones.

"We'll take our time." Richter assured. "As long as we know for sure this leads to the surface."

Vance didn't answer, or make a concern. He stopped, flickering his eyes in the orb light. "Emma. In the corner to your left." Emma levitated the orb to  the dark spot Vance indicated.  A small still shape curled up against a hidden rock shelf.  Emma and Richter hurried over to the form, the light cast its glow on a boy huddled against the stone on his side, his limbs tucked against his body. 

He was  alive, Emma heard his heartbeat, but he was bruised and perhaps very dehydrated. He stirred when Emma gently nudged him. "Francis. Francis, can you hear me?"

The boy groaned, slowly opening his eyes. He had to be at least nine or ten years old. No older than Richter when he was orphaned. Maternal instincts swelled within Emma's heart. " You're going to be okay, we're here to bring you home."

"Are you....?" He murmured half consciously. "An angel? Am I dead?"

"You're alive, kid." Richter said. "And lucky. Your mother is worried sick about you."

The boy sniffled. "I didn't mean to fall. We were playing a game about how far we could go before turning back. But vampires chased us and...I fell. The other boys ran out, but I couldn't see and I stayed still so they couldn't find me. I covered myself with dirt and didn't move."

""Have you been laying here hiding all this time?"

The boy nodded.

Emma checked him over and asked if he could move his arms and legs. "My foot hurts."

"Can you stand?"

"A little." He struggled to get up, favoring his right leg.

"Must be a sprain." Emma murmured. She knew better than to carry him in her weakened injured state.

The Belmont and Nephilim tensed  at the stirring of wind within the cavern, the familiar sound of vampires on the move. "Emma.Richter." Vance bared his teeth. "Take the child and go!"

"We can't outrun vampires!" Richter exclaimed. "Especially  with them as weakened as they are!"

"But I can give you time." Vance reassured.

Emma gripped her sword hilt. "What are you planning Vance?"

"Just a little diversion." He winked. "Now go!"

Emma knew vampires well enough to understand they would track them down before they ever reached the entrance. Especially with the dried blood on her clothes and hair. She needed to trust Vance to give them whatever time to make their escape.

At the fluttering of wings, Emma huddled the two humans and herself in a concealed nook in the wall, muttering a spell that would at least conceal their scent and sound. Her glyphs itched and Richter made a small gasp. From outside they heard the fleet footsteps of two unfamiliar vampires.

"Good evening gentlemen." Vance greeted them politely. "Didn't expect to see any of my folk active at this time of day. What brings you out of your roost?"

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now