New Beginnings

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The night of arriving in Machecoul, Emma lay beneath the moonlight on the hill outside her mother's cottage, arms beneath her head as she gazed at the stars. A different continent under the same sky. Emma wondered, identifying the different positions the constellations had on the other side of the Atlantic.

She heard footsteps rustle in the grass. "Mind if I join?"

"Never." Emma smiled as Vance sat next to her. "What a day, I'm glad that our journey across the seas is over."

"Me too." Emma sat up. "One journey ends, and another begins."

"With the Belmont Boy?" Vance turned his head. "So you still plan to guard and guide him."

"How can I not?" Emma's eyes reflected the moonlight. "I promised I would be close to him when he needed him, and I love him. I already love him as much as I loved my own son."

"And he already loves you." Vance touched her shoulder. "I understand, and I will stand by you just as I did in the New World. You'll not need to guard him alone."

"Thanks Vance." Emma leaned on her vampire's shoulder. Years ago she would have tried to convince him that he didn't need to stay by her side. She was a woman three centuries grown, had a husband, children, and many descendants. He no longer needed to uphold the oath forced on him by her parents to such a degree; To fight for and defend the granddaughter of Dracula. He had his own mind, his own independence. He could have left at time after Emma reached adulthood, but chose to stay with her out of love and loyalty.

The only thing absolutely binding to that oath was that he could never harm Emma. Her pain would become his. He would always be bound to her by the power of that oath, but it wasn't a tethered bond. He liked that, because he could always sense when Emma needed his help even when he wasn't with her. Her parents were the only others who had that bond with her.

"However, I will not lie and say helping you protect what will become the ultimate hunter of my kind doesn't chatter my teeth a little." Vance admitted.

"I know." Emma responded with a hint of guilt. " Maybe I can teach him differently."

"You can't teach a Belmont not to hunt vampires any more than you can teach a cat not to hunt mice." Vance said.

"But I can teach him not all Vampires are ruthless monsters that should be killed on sight." Emma responded optimistically.

"Most of them are." Vance warned. "They'd rather give into their bloodlust forgetting the humanity they once held." He flexed his claws in the grass. "But not all. We can be more like humans if we want to try."

"And not all humans are evil." Emma added. "Some are good, some are cruel bastards that deserve what's coming to them. Not everyone of them deserve to die.Stopping vampires from hurting people is a good thing, and the bad ones should be taken out, but I don't want him to become a cold blooded killer that goes after any suspecting vampire to plunge a stake into their heart."

"A noble idea." Vance nodded. "Perhaps it will work, and save him from premature death or heartbreak down the line." He lay down on the grass. "You really are your mother's daughter."

"Thanks." Emma lay beside him. "I try." She closed her eyes beneath the stars.

"You don't have to, angel."


A fog blanketed the hill when Emma opened her eyes again. She sat up and rubbed her eyes to find the entire landscape covered, the trees and her mother's house a blurry shadow behind it.

How long was I out here? Emma called for Vance noticing he wasn't next to her. She stood up and tried utilizing her Seraphim sight to see beyond the fog. "Why the hell can't I do this?" She growled nervously, calling for Vance and her mother.

Do not be afraid, my Dearest. The fog itself seemed to talk to her.

Emma tried scanning through the fog to no avail. "Father." She spoke in a low monotone.

Daughter. The voice in the fog was full of warmth and love.

"What do you want?" Emma asked curtly.

You are home.

"I am now." Emma answered. "Why aren't you here?"

I am here.

"Where?" Emma growled. "In the fog? Because I can't see shit." She jolted at the gentle brush of a hand on her face. She couldn't move, her legs were locked, but she felt him looking into her eyes in the thick grey fog even though her sight couldn't pierce it.

"Father..." Her voice quivered. He was right in front of her and she couldn't see him, but she was able to hug him.

Alucard wrapped his arms around her, and his forehead nuzzled her own.

My Dearest One. I am so proud of you, and I am happy you are safe. Know that I love you, and I will always be there for you, even if I'm far away. A kiss touched her cheek. Watch over your mother for me.



She jolted awake when Vance shook her. The skies were clear and not a wisp of fog in the ear. "You nodded off. You were crying." Vance informed her.

"Oh." Emma wiped away her tears. "Thanks for waking me up."

"You're welcome." Concern brooded in his eyes. "Was it about Caleb?"

"No, not this time." Emma stood up and yawned. "I think I'm gonna head in. Mom's got a spare bed it turns out, and a small guest room. I'll be sleeping good from here on in."

"I'm glad." Vance nodded. "Goodnight Emma."

"Goodnight Vance." Emma departed.

The vampire remained outside, gazing at the stars beneath the moon. "I shouldn't have mentioned Caleb." Vance murmured regrettably.She still needs me, even if she might not think it. She has her own wounds to heal.

Watching over the Belmont cub will help her.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now