Act of Retribution

732 24 7

                                                         Boston Massachusetts


Fireworks exploded over the Boston Harbor and under their flashing shadows, a young woman waited at the docks.

She wore a dark trench-coat over a cerulean dress. Her rich golden hair tied in a ponytail inside her black bonnet. Anyone looking upon her would believe her most beautiful woman alive, even dressed as modestly as she could, but in this moment she was the only  person around. The entire city had gathered to celebrate their recently achieved independence, and had she not needed to wait at the docks, she would've joined in the festivities.

"There will be other times to celebrate." She had told her trusted confidant and familiar. "We may see ourselves back in the New World in time. A perk of being immortal." As it were, she had been in the Americas for over a  hundred years and quite enjoyed it. Traveling the continents, seeing new lands, and  meeting different people through the Miracle Makers; a secret and ancient society of human-formed angels who had helped her along the way, keeping  an eye on her.

Now it was time to leave. Family obligations had her booking transport (through a ship owned by an earthly angel) for herself and a child back to Europe.

Not her child, of course, rather a relative.

And they were already fifteen minutes late.

Emmaline  lifted the pocket watch to her face, examining  it beneath the lantern light. "Where are you?" She murmured under her breath. "The captain and his crew can only wait for so long." She hoped the woman who was her niece many generations down the line didn't change her mind and back out on the agreement. Maybe they were delayed. Maybe her and her son encountered traffic, or some of the roads were closed off for the festivities. She could only hope they'd arrive as soon as they could.

She kept a sharp eye out with vision that pierced the night ( courtesy of her father's side) only to encounter a dark swirling mist accumulate next to her, forming the shape of a shadowy cloaked vampire.

"See anyone Vance?" She turned her head to him. "Are they coming?"

Her confidant, cloaked with a weathered hat, shook his head. "No. . Nobody else is approaching." He quietly burped, wiping a smudge of blood from the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Excuse you." Emma remarked. "Had a hearty feast huh?"

"Very." The vampire nodded. "Just a passed out drunkard and a slovenly pig who decided put his hands on a woman."

"I hope you didn't fill yourself to burst." Emma huffed. "We have a long journey ahead, and you'll need to stay a bat for the majority of it. Including soon. You know how the Belmonts feel about vampires."

"I'm well aware." Vance hiccuped. "I didn't see anyone like that coming. It was a mother and her young son right?"

"Right." Emma confirmed. Julia Belmont and her boy Richter. She had only met her once, a week ago, and she already liked her. She reminded Emma of a lioness, fierce and brave, also witty and sharp when push came to shove.  That was her mother's trait, and she was happy to see it in other relatives hundreds of years later.

Julia Belmont found her through connections of the organization, and had been contacted by the Angelic Consul of the Colonies to meet. The meeting went smoothly, as Emma felt, she introduced herself as their cousin and agreed to accompany young Richter across the Atlantic to France, where her  direct descendant, Tera, would care for him.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now