Just as Marcus wrapped his hands around the boy's head intent on ending him for good, fully planning on crushing his skull, Mira in a blur of pink and navy slammed into him, tackling him into a nearby building.

Glass shards surrounded the air between them as their bodies rolled and collided, crashing through every window, fists flying.

"Dad please just give up!"

Blood spilt from her cheek as Marcus slammed his fist so hard into her face that it dented the bones and left behind a massive cut across her right cheekbone.

Ignoring her request, Marcus grabbed Mira's leg swinging her body around like a toy, slamming her back onto the ground denting the concrete around her as though she was nothing before ramming his fist into her stomach. His punch cracked through her ribs causing her to cry in agony as he launched her up into the wall above her head. Her quivering form slammed through the ceiling of every floor of the office building, any humans nearby turning to nothing but blood and guts as Marcus kept a tight grip on the back of her neck continuing to force her upwards.

Body after body colliding with her face.

Blood staining her skin.

The second she tried to alter the walls with her powers, his fist slammed into her spine, temporarily paralysing her from the waist down to keep her from fighting back as he continued to use her body as a shield against the terrified screaming bodies flying around her.

Mira sobbed in agony as pain vibrated through her entire body, blood and guts spraying over her face, sinking into her tanned bruised skin.

"Listen to what I am saying Mira."

More blood splashed against her cheeks as her father slammed her face first through another floor of the building.

"You know in your heart that I am right."

Just as the sunlight invaded her vision again, the 14-year-old could do nothing but scream as her father tossed her body threw the air, her still paralysed legs flaying as she crashed into another building before plummeting toward the destroyed street below. Before she could hit the floor though, two arms wrapped around her waist, a soft hand tucking her head into his pink-skinned neck to protect her from the fall.

Red surrounded Marcus's approaching figure as a dripping wet Wanda twisted her wrist sending him flying into the water.

"Mira." Vision whispered as the two of them finally stopped rolling across the floor, his arms slowly unwinding from her waist which had been clutching onto her protectively, keeping her safe from every building and lamppost they slammed into during the fall "You're okay."

Mira just let out a cry as she felt her spine shift back into place.

A loud crack echoed through the air as her bones snapped back into place. Legs finally starting to work again.

"Vision get her out of here!" Steve screamed as he climbed out of the rubble of the building he had been tossed into, shield still tight in his grasp as he helped Rhodey back up, the dent in the middle of the War Machine suit causing the young girl to flinch.

Without hesitation, Vision tightened his grip on her, Mira having to wrap her arms around his neck as they started flying through the destruction of St Louis.

The city she adored was crumbling at the seams.

Just like it had in 1996.

Two beams of energy cut through the building beside them causing Mira to scream in horror as she spotted the hoards of people diving out of the windows of the falling building, bodies plummeting toward the hard ground.

As Vision dived and twisted between the beams shooting from Marcus's eyes, dodging between them to the best of his ability, Mira raised her hand, quickly shifting the material around the ground as the people from the building fell towards it. Instead of harsh concrete that would have killed them on impact, the people were met with a soft cushion of cotton which bounced against them.

The smell of blood laced with metal properties caused Mira to freeze as Vision cried out, beams like the sun cutting through the man-made flesh around his stomach. His hold on her faltered as he shot a beam out of the stone in his forehead which Marcus easily avoided before picking up Pietro by the throat, and launching his unconscious form at them.

The stone immediately stopped admitting power at the sight of Pietro flying right toward them, if Vision shot a beam right now, it would cut his body in half.

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