Chapter 10.5

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Hi guys. I wanted to say that this is a short chapter. I'm posting a short chapter because it's been a while since I've posted anything. College and life have kept me very busy, but I've been working on new ideas for the story. It's not impressive, but it'll be good. Thanks to everyone who has read the story so far.

But first I want to give my sincere thanks to my friend @KnightingaleHitsurug  for helping me and giving me good ideas for the story, as well as serving as inspiration for some chapters. Check out his story if you can. He's a nice guy    

Without further ado... here's the chapter



*It was a rainy night with thunder. Johhny was running home with Y/n in his arms. It was supposed to be another normal training day, but from the looks of it, Y/n seemed to be feeling a bit under the weather. Meanwhile, Maria was at home quietly reading a book.Johhny burst into the door house causing Maria to jump up from the sofa with a startled expression*.

Maria:JOHHNY? Oh god...


Maria:Quickly put him to bed!

*Y/n's skin was very pale and his veins were showing a little. He had a higher fever than usual and his body felt weak. The boy was unconscious. Johhny puts Y/n on his bed and puts a pillow under the boy's head, after which Johhny puts his hand on the child's forehead and makes a startled and surprised expression*.

Johhny: That's not normal. I don't understand. What's happening to him? *Johhny asks while looking at Maria, who seems to be taking some medication with some herbs.*

Maria: It's complicated. What were you two doing?

Johhny:It was supposed to be a normal training day.

Maria:Normal training day with these things? *She says as she points to the Blades of the Chaos on the floor close to  the bed.*

Johhny: He was ready to start using them. He'd been practicing with them in my presence for two weeks.

Maria:Then I know what it can be. *Maria finishes making some medication in a wooden pot and sits down on the bed next to Y/n* His two natures, his human nature and this new nature obtained by this special "semblance". The two natures are in conflict in mind, body and soul.

Johhny: Nature...but why is that?

Maria: I think the recent constant use of his semblance must have caused it. Help me. Open his mouth.

*Johhny holds Y/n's head and opens the boy's mouth a little. Maria puts the medication in Y/n's mouth and makes him drink it.*

Johhny: Will this cure him?

Maria: I think so. But I'm sure it will come back.

Johhny: I don't understand. Is the semblance itself hurting him?

Maria:No. As I said, I believe there must now be two natures inside him. His human nature and this new nature.

Johhny: Are you saying that he will-

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