Chapter 6.5

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Ruby Pov

*I was going back to my room, after watching some movies with Y/n. I go in and everything seems normal. Blake was reading her book, Weiss was studying and Yang was lying on her bed. I lay down on my bed and Yang looks at me.* it was?

Ruby:How it was what?

Yang:*facepalm* Ruby...You guys look like you're dating and so far you haven't made anything official yet?

Ruby:*blush* What? It doesn't look like we're dating!

Blake:The two of you hang out together, always hug, play as a couple and you watch movies with him in the room.

Ruby:Ehhh...i mean...

Weiss:Ugh! Why so much mystery? You two are two dolts! Ruby is afraid of Y/n rejecting her and Y/n also stay quiet!

Ruby:Look i just finding the right time to tell him!

Yang:What about the dance?

Ruby:Oh...I don't think it's a good idea...

Yang:Of course it is! A romantic dance at the end and a kiss to finish! It's perfect!

Blake:Please do it quickly...this seems like a generic fanfic on the internet.

Yang:Like the ones you read?

Blake:I...don't read it.

Yang:Right... it, ok? I sure everything will be fine.

Ruby:*gasp* You think so?

Weiss:Yes...after all both of you are idiots.

Ruby:*sweetdrops* Ehhh...*sigh* Ok...i think i have a idea.

*meanwhile we Y/n*

Y/n Pov

*Where am i?*

I am in a village that is completely on fire. And I was holding the blades.

Is it happening again?

*I start running and killing every being I meet in front of me. I do my best to stop, but I can't control myself...I feel anger...hate...all of it inside me. I go into a house and I see a woman hugging a child.*


*i wake up*

Y/n:AH! *pant pant pant pant*....*sigh* What was that?


*I was watching Pyrrha fight Cardin and his entire team, alone. Not gonna lie, this girl is good at what she does. Jaune is missing a golden chance with her. Anyway I'm still wandering in my thoughts and thinking about what Cinder said and what she wants with me. *

Jaune:Psst, hey Y/n.


Jaune:You're going to call Ruby to the ball, right?

Y/n:Well yeah. I just hope nothing goes wrong.


Y/n:Maybe I can get Weiss.

Y/n:Dude, why don't you leave her? Like as a friend I say, that girl doesn't give a shit about you. And she doesn't even take you seriously.

Jaune:Uhh i kn-know, but have you looked at her? Like, I know she's cold and all but...

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