"I'm sorry Vince I really am but why is it that you told me this?"

"You need to go back to Korea, Matteo wanted me to tell you, because I was the one who got you into this shit. But I swear to god Salem if I hear you're with the Korean.."

"One, we're not fucking together get that shit through your head you fucking lied to me and then got me in some big bad cartel shit so I don't want to hear it. Two what the fuck do you mean I need to go back to Korea?" She was fuming and this news she just received wasn't making it any better.

"You'll leave tomorrow, in the meantime have a good night Salem." And with that he disappeared.

Salem was pissed, she walked around the large beach house to find Matteo's bitch ass. And when she did she walked up to him and slapped the shit out of him.

"Ow, what the fuck was that for?"

"I have to go back to Korea now? What the fuck Matteo I just fucking got here why are you treating me like some child?" She asked. She was going to slap him again but he stopped her.

"Yes you do, and I don't want to hear shit about it. My idiot best friend got your name in a place it shouldn't be and because you're untouchable there you need to go back as soon as possible. And you may not be a child but you're my little sister so I need to protect you by any means necessary or my ass is on a platter and you know our parents won't hesitate to kill me."

"And how the fuck do you know about this?" She asked confused.

"Because he's my best friend and I may not be involved but I picked up a few things here and there so enjoy the rest of your night and be happy you aren't dead."

"Fuck you."

"I love you too."

Apparently Celeste had send the whole encounter because she walked up to them and started laughing.

"No way you just let a white man talk to you like that." She said with a bottle of henny in one hand and a blunt in the other.

"Shut the fuck up man, have you told Matteo that you took shrooms with some of your white friends while i was walking out with Vincenzo."

Celeste's face dropped.

"How about a last laugh now?" Salem chuckled while she grabbed the bottle from Celeste and walked out.

"Have fun with that punishment baby sis."

As she turned the corner to go back to the party she heard them arguing in very fast Italian which made her giggle.

Now she had to worry about her life being threatened on some crazy movie shit. The fact that it was getting harder and harder to avoid Saul, and the fact that her vacation was cut short.


"Ma, Mamma, Pops, and Papa. I have to go." She was trying to reason with all 4 parents why she had to go while she was packing up her luggage but they weren't having it.

Having two sets of parents was a blessing and a curse at the same time, especially when they were all close to eachother.

The mix of Italian, Spanish, Swahili, and English was giving her a headache and she needed to hurry because her flight was leaving in 2 hours. According to Matteo and Vincenzo she couldn't use a personal plane because she was more susceptible to an attack and she had no idea what that meant but she wasn't going to take any chances.

"You've only been here for 1 day and a half Tesoro what happened to the full week?" Matteo Sr. was the first to chime in.

"Papa, I know what I said but if business crashed in Seoul we'll loose a lot of money." She was lying. Business in Seoul had been flourishing to say the least but she valued her life and didn't want to scare her parents.

"Amore mio, you need to stay your brothers and sister are sad with you here, and you're leaving on the day of her birthday." Angelina was next to explain her line of reasoning on why Salem should stay, and boy was if convincing.

Salem just huffed knowing that anything she said to that woman would end horribly.

"Tunataka ubaki huwezi?" Her father was next in line. She knew how serious he was because of the fact that he was speaking to her in Swahili. (We want you to stay can't you?)

"Siwezi baba samahani." She replied to him in a dejected tone. (I can't dad i'm sorry)

Her mother didn't say anything she just helped her pack her belongings. She knew that she couldn't tell Salem anything so she eventually gave up.

Just as she finished packing her bags Matteo was walking in telling her they had to leave. She said her goodbyes hugging everyone excluding the rest of her siblings because they were still sleep curing their hangovers.

"Be safe!" They all shouted in unison before she closed the door.

"Whew, that was a lot." She said while walking to the car with Matteo.

"I bet-"

"Shut up if it wasn't for your idiota amico I could still be here. Nemmeno una parola da parte tua."
She cut him off while hopping in the passenger seat not even waiting for him to open the door for her. (Not one word from you)

"Forgot you're not a morning person."

The ride to the airport felt longer than usual. She was dreading the fact that she had to call Saul and tell him that she was going to be back early but she did it anyways.

"여보세요?" She heard his gruff voice from the other end and it sent shivers down her spine. (Hello?)

"나를 데리러 올 수 있니, 내 여행이 짧아잤어?" (Can you pick me up my trip was cut short) She hated asking him for favors but she knew everyone else was busy.

"Back so soon? What's the rush, did you miss me?" The slyness in his voice could be heard from a mile away.

"Don't get too full of yourself, if you're nice I might tell you when I get there."

"Okay Jagi, i'll see you in a few hours."

She hung up before he could get another word in. She said goodbye to Matteo and she was back to Korea after only leaving for one day.

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