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I get out of the car trying to walk past the three dumbasses but i'm stopped by Damien.

"Where have you been?" he questions.

I look at him preparing myself for this challenge.

"Hmm, do you want the truth or do you want to be able to sleep at night?" I question taunting him.

"Wait hold up you can't answer a question with a question." Enzo chimes in from behind Matteo.

Matteo quickly slaps Enzo in the back of his head and Enzo returns his gesture with the finger.

"You know what tell me the truth I would love to know," Damien remarks with his hands folded across his chest. "Amuse us Salem." He says gesturing to the other boys.

"Well I went out on a date with that fine ass Italian hunk that just dropped me off...then he proceeded to fuck-"

Before i could finish my sentence Matteo threw me over his shoulder helping me run away from Damien.


"My bad sis I was saving you from death, he's been worried sick about you."

Matteo runs all the way up the stairs while Damien is yelling something in Italian at us.

He sets me down in front of my room door.

"You guys have my location so what's there to worry about?" I ask confused

"Well you turned your phone off last night and Damien automatically assumed the worst." he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "You know how he gets Salem."

Well damn now I feel bad. It is around that time where I go off the rails he probably thought I was harming myself.

Now i have to apologize.

"Hey don't cry." Matteo wipes the tear that seemed to escape as I was thinking.

Why do I always have to cry it's so annoying.

"Talk to him when he cools down it won't take long just give him 2 hours. You know he can't stay mad at you."

"Thank you Matteo." I smile at him.

"Hey that's what big brothers are for now go take a nap you look tired." He returns my smile while patting my head and before I know it he's already down the hall walking to his room.

I decide to take a nap because i feel so bad for worrying damien and after i wake up i check my phone to see that it's already 5:37

well i almost missed dinner

I groggily go to open my door but when i do i see Damien preparing himself to knock on my door. he looks tired and his dark locks are a mess on his head. he probably just got done working out.

"è ora di mangiare sorellina mamma mi ha detto di svegliarti" he stares at me for a bit and then he walks down the stairs. (time to eat little sister mom told me to wake you)

yea i knew he wouldn't stay mad for long

I eventually walk downstairs and greet everyone and then we start eating. Dinner is going good me and Damien are explaining what type of work we do to nonno because he still doesn't understand the whole owning a gaming company thing.

The whole thing is hilarious because he doesn't understand how coding works or design, and i'm having a blast making fun of him but each time I do I get a disapproving glare from Matteo.

After dinner is over i help with all the dishes and I head upstairs to my room but i'm stopped by someone grabbing my wrist.

It's damien.

"Come to the garden let's talk hmm?"

I nod at him and follow him to our favorite spot since we were younger. I remember when I first moved to Italy when I was about 10 and I moved in to a house that was about a 10 minute walk from Damien's family home. I was an adventurous kid and I ended up walking into his property without knowing it and I ended up in his family garden.

I was sitting down looking at the flowers when Damien came storming up to me asking where I came from and by that time i realized I was lost.

And from that point on we've been inseparable ever since.

I was to busy reminiscing that I didn't realize that we made it to the garden already

Damien sits down on our favorite bench. The bench where we used to read to each other and write stupid rhymes.

He pats the seat next to him.


I nod and sit down leaning on him shoulder.

"Salem, i know you're not fragile-" he begins.

"Damien stop I forgive you." I say looking up at him.

"No let me finish okay. I know you're not fragile i'm fact you're far from it, ever since i met you all those years ago you've been my most favorite person and i'm sorry that i've been treating you this way. It's just that I promised your sister that I would take care of you and I refuse to see you go down that same hole Salem." As he continues to talk i feel myself tear up. "you know i'm not good with my emotions and i probably don't say it enough but i do love you Salem i really do and i don't know what I would do without you i've always known you were depressed ever since we were kids but now i know how to take care of you so if you'd just let me do that and tell me where you were it would make my heart lighter."

I begin to break down in his arms.

"I'm so sorry D, i'm such a horrible friend-"

"No, stop right there you are far from horrible and i'm sorry that I made you feel like I don't trust you I do so so much I just worry about you." he cuts me off hugging me tightly.

We stay like that for at least 10 minutes and then he finally breaks the comfortable silence.

"Our flight leaves tomorrow at ten pack all your things tonight and be sure to tell everyone goodbye. Oh and goodnight Salem." He says standing up walking back into the house.

After he left i stayed out to stare at the night sky in Italy one last time. I was going to miss it but i'd be back soon.

I went upstairs to pack my bags and after i finished i headed to bed for the night.

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