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I miss her.

I can't breathe when she isn't near, and it scares me. She left a couple of days ago but her scent still lingers on my sheets.

I wish she would just let me have her. I want her to be the mother of my children, I would treat her like a queen and no one else would compare.

It's just I haven't been completely honest to Salem about my job or should I call it my "business".

I basically am apart of a very illegal shipment business and honestly I know Salem would not be okay with that. She also probably wouldn't be okay with the fact that I have a child and my baby mother lives in my estate.

It's not the same estate that Salem has been to but she does live in my estate in Mexico.

I've had business in Italy for some months but now that that's over i've decided to go see my soon to be wife in Seattle.

I kind of hate that she lives out there alone and I wish I could be there with her but my lifestyle doesn't support that. I also don't like how Salem has been working for a company she co-owns, when I should be the one providing for her.

I want her to live life at home not doing anything while I go make the money.

As bad as it sounds I want her to depend on me like I depend on her but I know it'll take a lot of convincing.

I just got off the phone with her and I told her I would be there in a couple of days but I lied. When I told her that I was already on my plane and on the way to her.

I am currently driving in a rental on the way to her, and I have her location thanks to the bracelet I got for her when she came to Italy.

I only got it for her protection because I have a lot of people who want to see me dead. They also would use her to get to me if they found out about her and I can't have that.

I pull up to an alley which is odd because she said she was going to a club. I walk down the alley and into this building which has some people lingering outside of it. I hear jazz music playing as i get closer to a door with stairs leading down.

The smell of cigarettes smacks me as i walk down the steps but I immediately see my love in the middle of the dance floor.

It seems as though a light is illuminating off of her beautiful brown skin. As I get closer I see she's dancing with some random ass man.

I immediately snatch him off of her and I start grinding on her.

She doesn't know it's me yet.

I can't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes. The song ends and she begins to turn around.

She looks shocked and confused.

"Vincenzo? what the fuck are you doing here?" She asks looking around.

"This better be a fucking prank."

"I'm afraid it isn't." I say while scratching the back of my head.

"But you said-"

I cut her off. "I lied Mi Amor, I was already on my private jet when I called you."

She turns away from me and then looks back and musters up a smile.

I know it's fake.

I know she knows i've been lying to her and I at least want to tell her the whole story before I have to leave for Mexico to go see my son.

"I need a fucking drink." I hear her mumble.

I chuckle and look down at her. "So can I meet those friends of yours?"

"Yea follow me." She grabs my hand and leads me over to her group of people.

We weave through the crowd of people and we end up in front of 3 girls who look to be about the same age as Salem, and 2 guys who look identical to one of the girls.

Salem clears her throat and begins.

"So, Vince this is Reign, and Hyesol which are my roommates. Then there's Solana who is the baby of the group and those are her two brothers Saul and Sai."

I nod and snake my arm around her waist. I'm being a bit possessive but that asshole Sail or whatever the fuck his name is keeps looking at Salem like she's the only person in the world.

I don't fucking like it.

"Yea nice to meet to meet you all, I'm Vincenzo Russo."
I wave to everyone and I sit down in the booth next to Salem.

I get a text from my baby mother, but I choose to ignore it because i'm here with Salem now.

She can honestly wait, It's not like I don't take care of our son and lately she's been trying to make us a "family" but I don't want to because she was a mistake.

The group stated asking questions about me and Salem, they also asked about my history which I decide to only tell the "good" parts. About 30 minutes into our conversation Salem decided that we should all go get drinks at this chicken place that was still open.

Everyone agreed, I hand Salem my card and head out because Maria continues to blow my phone up.

I walked to the alley where the club exit was and I was immediately bombarded with questions from maria.

"donde estas, nuestro hijo te necesita." (where are you, our son needs you)

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "Te lo dije, estoy en Seattle manejando negocios para que nuestro hijo pueda tener comida en la mesa." (I told you, im in Seattle handling business so our son can have food on the table)

I mean i'm not lying to Maria, there is business that I've been taking care of in Seattle which is the main reason why I came here, but most of my inquiries aren't until next week. I came early for Salem.

"Vincenzo, no sé qué estás pasando, pero tienes que resolver esta mierda o tendré la custodia total de mi hijo."
(Vincenzo I dont know what you have going on but you need to figure this shit out, or I will have full custody of my son)

"María, ¿qué quieres decir con tu hijo? Es nuestro hijo y estaré allí en tres días. Solo ten un poco de paciencia."
(Maria what do you mean your son he's our son and ill be there in three days just have some patience)

I end up hanging up after that last statement because I don't have time for her bullshit, I have a headache from just talking to her for five minutes.

I sight and turn around, but as I do I see Salem standing there with the whole entire group.

"They didn't understand that conversation, but I did fuck you Vince, absolutely fuck you." She storms off with her pose following her and before she can get in the car I grab her wrist.

"solo déjame explicarte." (Just let me explain)
I say practically begging her.

"Okay fine go ahead but make it quick I don't have time for this bull shit Vincenzo" She snaps, snatching her wrist out of my hold and crossing her arms.

Well fuck what do I do now.

AN: Vincenzo has a kid?!?!!
Well shit let's see what happens next 😉

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