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2 months later...

It's been about 2 months since she decided to live in korea for some time to start up the new office. For some reason unbeknownst to Salem Saul has also been in Korea and it's driving her insane.

Since he knows where she lives and where her office is, he constantly shows up unannounced and it's leading everyone in her office to gossip about them. She forgot how fast gossip spread in Korea.

Apparently Saul and his family are known in Korea for being "The calm cool and collected chaebol family" from what Salem has heard they got the nickname because their parents don't really care what they do and they just want them to be happy. They also got the name because the family hasn't been in any drama and they always seem calm. Ever since Saul has been in Korea people have peen talking about it more and more.

Salem was sitting at her desk finishing up emails so she could go home as soon as possible, she missed her couch and since it was a Friday she would probably go clubbing with her friends. She was snapped out of her thoughts when someone knocked on her large mahogany office door.

"누구세요?" She asked while typing away on her computer. (Who is it) She had gotten used to speaking Korean in her everyday life and she sometimes even responded in Korean when Damien called her.

"Jagi it's me can I come in?" She internally rolled her eyes at the name that he wouldn't let go of and responded with a yes.

He walked in practically glowing with a sly smirk forming on his lips. "What do you want Saul?" She asked with an agitated tone.

"I just wanted to see my girl, what's wrong with that?" He sat down in the chair across from her desk and shot her a wink.

"What's wrong with that is the fact that you constantly come to see me, like you're not one of the few chaebol families here with people constantly following you around and now me because you won't leave me the hell alone." As she said this she began packing up her bag to leave for the day as her time in the office was almost up for the day. "I can already hear the reports now 'Saul Hong spotted with rich american yet again'." She used air quotes as she explained the reports to him.

"Jagi it's fine, I have people taking care of it just calm down. I'll treat you to dinner for all the trouble how about that?"

He walked up behind her and began to massage her shoulders, she let out a little whimper when he got to the tense part of her back and he let out a soft chuckle.

"Wow Jagi you're really tense, maybe this dinner will serve you right." He turned her around to face him.

"I'll be at your place at around 8 to pick you up the rest is a surprise."

He shot her yet another wink and got out of her office as fast as he could before she could change her mind.

Salem got up from her desk, grabbed all her things and left the office. It was pretty much empty because she gave everyone a half day off for their good work but there were still some people finishing up on work they didn't finish over the week.

"저는 퇴근합니다 여러분 좋은 주말 보내세요." She told all the workers as she got on the elevator
(i'm leaving have a good weekend everyone)

Salem pulled up to her house, but to her surprise Saul was standing at her front door with a bouquet of flowers. She looked down to check her watch and it wasn't 8 yet which concerned her.

"Why the hell are you here?" She asked confused as she punched in the code to her large front door.

"Well I couldn't wait to see you, and I wanted to drop this off." He pulled out a small box from his pocket and to her surprise it was a jade bracelet. A really expensive one at that. Salem knew it was expensive because she was going to buy it a while back but thought it would be a waste of money.

If I was yours (bwam)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora