twenty- five

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The night was going good so far, Salem saw a couple of her summer boyfriends she had in her teens and some people she knew that Damien had introduced her to in their teens. Matteo was nowhere to be found, Enzo was swallowing some girls face whole, and Damien was sitting on the sand far away from the noise.

The only reason Salem had stuck around was because it was her little sisters birthday and boy could she party. Celeste was the more social type and even though she was younger she made a lot more friends on their summers in California always making Salem and the boys tag along for her adventures to the skate park and other parties she was invited to.

Though they had only been there for an hour she was getting tired of the noise and she decided to go swim at the beach, that was until her wrist was grabbed.

She turned to face who it was and when she did she saw it was Vincenzo. He was usually put together but not tonight. His hair was a mess and the bags under his eyes which were not normally there were way too dark.

"Amore." He said while letting out a sigh.

Salem just rolled her eyes while yanking her arm away from his grip.

"What the fuck do you want?" She asked while impatiently tapping her foot. "Don't you have some bi- you know what she's not a bitch, don't you have a wonderful woman at home waiting for you with your fucking kid?"

"She's dead Salem, and it's not just her my child too." He rubbed his hand over his face wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, but I really don't know what to tell you. You probably didn't deserve that but there's nothing I can do."

"There is something you can do." He replied while looking her in her eyes. "Be with me."

Salem wasn't usually the type of person to get angry or even express her anger but this man really got under her skin. She slapped him leaving a mark on his pale skin.

"Nigga are you fucking stupid?! Like actually are you dumb, you don't tell me you have a kid and you fucking two time me then you go on to tell me that you're involved in some other shit."


She immediately cut him off.

"Don't fucking amore me bitch, you have no right to do that. It been months since i've seen you and you're still holding on to whatever the fuck it was that we had? Tighten up."

"Fuck! Salem can we just talk I need to talk to you at least." At this point he was crying while pleading to her.

"What is there to talk about Vincenzo?"

The music had stoped and everyone was now looking at their encounter. Matteo looked at his best friend apologetically and he motioned for her to talk to him.

Shit, he's always making me be the beater person. She thought to herself while grabbing his hand and taking him outside.

"Speak." She said impatiently. She was honestly so tired of seeing him everytime something was going alright. And though she did feel bad for the loss of his family she still wanted nothing to do with him.

"They killed my son, I couldn't give a damn about that woman but they took my son. I wanted him to meet you so he could see a good woman and they took that away from me." He said with his head in his hands.

"Who is they?" She asked confused.

"Goddamn russians. I didn't want business with them and they were going to take it out on you but I got to them before they could so they took my son."

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