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Today is the day.

It's finally time for me to go back to one of the many countries I love so much. I haven't been in a while and I'm glad Damien pays attention to me and understands how much I miss it. The last time I was in South Korea was when I was about 19, I had just finished my two years at Duke and I jumped at the opportunity to study abroad for a year when I saw something for it on campus. I didn't care where I ended up but lucky me I ended up getting to go to one of the places where I could survive not having to deal with a language barrier. I ended up at KAIST which is a really good school for engineering in Korea. While I was finishing up my one year there Damien and I were planning our big idea for a start-up.

5 years ago

"Are you eating properly? Are your roommates treating you well? Have you been doing your work like I told you to?"

"Damien this is the 4th time you've called me all week and it's only Tuesday, and to answer your many questions yes, yes why wouldn't they, and yes I do all my work," I reply while opening the door to the dorm.

"Sorry for being so overbearing I just miss you a lot and it's weird not having you around. It's crazy to think that I'm going to be graduating this year and you're only one year behind me." He looks into the camera while smiling at me.

'Why are you so nostalgic all of a sudden, it's scary." I reply while side-eyeing the phone.

Before Damien can answer my roommate So-Hee walks in from her room being as nosey as ever.

" 마이 ! 혹시 남자친구분이신가요?" She asks trying to get a good look at Damien. (Oh my gosh is that your boyfriend?)

"아니요 남자친구 없어," I say while throwing pillows at her. (No I don't have a boyfriend)

I try to walk to my room but So-Hee is close behind me.

"Who is that?" Damien asks looking concerned.

I gesture her to leave as I get to my room but she just rolls her eyes. "It's just So-Hee, for some reason she's invested in our conversation."

"내가 알아듣는 알잖아, 영어 그만 해요." She says in a sickly sweet tone. (Stop speaking English you know I can't understand.)

"그리고 나서 나가라," I reply in an even sweeter tone (then get out.)

She eventually gets off of my bed, rolls her eyes, and walks out of my room.

"You know I can't tell whether you guys like each other when you talk," Damien tells me while laughing.

"We do, it's just how we talk to each other, I have to go I told one of my classmates that I would help be a waitress for this school festival, I'll call you soon okay?"

"Okay, I love you Salem."

"Love you too."

I got ready for the yearly school festival, at first, I wasn't going to go, but both of my roommates and my classmates who decided our class would participate convinced me telling me that if I went our booth would be popular because everyone wanted to talk to me.

It's actually kind of surprising how popular I am in Korea. I usually hear stories about how black women aren't considered beautiful here but it isn't that bad, I've gotten used to the occasional staring and people asking me to take pictures with them or just taking pictures of me. I find it kind of cute because I know no one means any harm they just don't see a lot of black people which is understanding.

If I was yours (bwam)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin