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"Oh fuck" I whisper to myself.

I have a raging headache probably from all the whiskey from the night before. I feel someone under me and as I look down it's the brunette from the last night. I honestly didn't expect to end up fucking her she was just kind of all up on me and I'm not one to pass up a good opportunity.

She begins to open her eyes, and when she does she smiles at me. I roll my eyes and push her off of me. I guess she takes offense to that and she ends up standing up and gathering all her things.

"You know what fuck you asshole, you took my virginity and you treat me like this," she yells as she hurridly walks out the door.

Hmm, that explains why she was so tight I should've known. Well, at least I didn't have to tell her to leave. Good riddance. I reach to grab my phone and when I do there are 25 missed calls from my mother, well damn, I won't hear the end of this. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and call her.

"Hey, Eomma how are you?' I say in the sweetest voice possible. "Don't hey Eomma me, you were supposed to be here 45 minutes ago, you know we always go to the temple together on Saturdays as a family! have you lost your mind, Saul...Saul!" She screams into the phone. Yea she's pissed. "Sorry Eomma ill be there 20 minutes tops I promise." I hear her sigh into the phone. "Saul if you are not here in 30 minutes you better hope Buddha himself comes down to save you." As I try to hold back my laugh she hangs up in my face.

Normally I don't let anyone boss me around, but my mother is the only person who can do that. She may only be 5'2 max but she is one scary woman with a lot of power. I remember in 8th grade I witnessed her fight my brother in the backyard for disrespecting her. She then locked him outside and told me and my sister that If we followed our brother or tried to help him she would lock us outside until dinner.

And she wonders where I get my craziness from.

As I walk in to greet my family I see my sister and brother sitting next to each other

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As I walk in to greet my family I see my sister and brother sitting next to each other. I walk over and sit in between them. "hey little brother glad you could make it, mom is pissed but seeing as you already know that, I guess you know she's gonna whoop your ass when we leave."Sai says with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and continue to bow.

When we leave the temple I speed out of there as fast as possible to escape the crazy woman that is my mother. I almost don't end up leaving because Sai was trying to hold me hostage just so he could see me get my ass beat. He pisses me off so much sometimes.

After I leave the temple, I head back home to catch up on some work. My boss is always asking for work exceptionally early and sometimes on weekends so I thought I should prepare just in case.

As I continue to work I get a phone call from my sister which is weird, because It's a Saturday night and she's usually out partying somewhere.

"Hello?" I ask in a very confused tone. As I listen closer there's music playing in the background. "Hey umm this is Solana's friend Hyesol," she pauses. "anyways umm hold up a sec let me go outside where it's quiet." It's quiet for a while and then she begins to speak again. "Well long story short your sister is throwing up in some bushes and she told me to call you so could you come to pick her up I'll send the address."

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