Chapter 5: The Yo-Kai of Myth

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A/N: @yuuki2795 Gave me the idea to bring in a group of new Yo-Kai based on the four elements, but to me, I thought of making them Reincarnated Yo-Kai from the Yo-Kai's past.

After returning from Pre-Release Weekend, Kyle, Homura and Lusamine all returned back to Sakura Motomachi. Due to this, Lusamine still had paperwork from her job, in which she wasn't ready for.

Lusamine: I thought a weekend away from work would be good. Turns out, I'm so wrong!

She heads into the classroom as she looked at the folders of the new Students who'll be enrolling.

Lusamine: Only Four Students? Something I'm hoping Kyle and Homura will be fine with.

She did look around the files and their personal information, but not much is known.

Lusamine: Huh? No known address or lastnames?

She placed the folders down, thinking about their true secret and Mystery. However, since Kyle did say he'll show them around, she had hope in him as always.

Lusamine: Well, on Monday, hell know more about them, and maybe Homura too. He's looking like he trusts her as a friend.

She decided to do more work as she was thinking of how well Kyle and Homura will make friends with the new Students.

*Insert Intro*

It was now Monday, as Kyle and Homura entered the school together. Now that they're being good as friends, they decided to go everywhere together, but not much.

Homura: Gotta admit, a weekend away is always exciting, am I right?

Kyle: Yeah tell me about it. Maybe I should leave the house often.

Homura smiled, but she saw on Kyle's face, he was concerned. After the Run in from the one Yo-Kai who shapeshifted into another, threatening Homura, he now had to keep her safe.

Homura: Something on your mind?

Kyle: Just that Yo-Kai we faced when meeting Junior. He didn't look like he was protecting us from Junior, it was more like he just wanted to take your watch.

B. Ruru: Tell me about it. And what did you mean their was a Yo-Kai who looked like me?

Their was still much on their minds, as someone came up towards them, being Touma.

Touma: Homura.

Homura jumped a little as Touma came towards them.

Houmra: K-Kyle, this is Touma Tsukinami. He's from my Class. Touma, this is Kyle from the Specialist Class.

Touma: Sup?

Kyle: Hey.

He then noticed him staring at Homura's watch, as Kyle saw he had one himself, but it was different. He took a closer look at the face, seeing four other faces on it. Two looked familiar, which made him panic.

 Two looked familiar, which made him panic

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