Chapter 3: Bicycle Ride of Mayhem

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A/N: Bringing in another Main Character from the Shadowside series. Since I thought Akinori would be another huge help, I'll bring him into the Main cast. He'll still have the Anima like from the Anime.

After their Second run in with a Yo-Kai, Both Kyle and Homura still needed help to learn about them. But to Homura, she was still thinking of Theo that was in her Class.

She was at her house inside her room, now curious on what is going on. She was looking at the Arks her and Kyle were now sharing with each other. Whisper came into her room, seeing her fiddling with the Arks.

Whisper: I see your not doing much today?

Homura: Well, it's just after the run in with Banchou, and Kyle giving his Ark away to that Keisune, I just think what other kind their are?

Whisper gave a chuckle, as he brought out his Yo-Pad.

Whisper: As you may not know, each of us Yo-Kai now belong in Tribes of what kind we are! I'll explain more and possibly give you two something that'll help.

Homura didn't want anything to do with Yo-Kai, but hoped what he said was true. Just then, her Mother yelled out towards her.

Homura's Mother: Homura, someones here to see you! He's a friend!

Homura: Oh Mom, bring him up!

They were then met by Kyle, surprised to see him there.

Homura: Kyle?

Kyle: Wasn't expecting me?

Homura: No, it's just... how did you find me?

Kyle: Asked Ms. Lusamine. She knows the Teachers, including your Homeroom.

Homura didn't think he would know or be friends to a teacher.

Whisper: Now then, since I have you two here, I can now begin!

*Insert Intro*

Now that Kyle was with them, Whisper can now explain a lot of things.

Whisper: As you might of guessed, many of us Yo-Kai can be anywhere at anytime, but to what you witnessed with Micchy and Banchou, we all have another form that isn't natural, but is; The Shadowside!

They then brought out Jibanyan's Ark, thinking that is what he ment. He brought out B. Ruru's, seeing it was just nothing but her looking Menacing.

Kyle: Well, that's cool to other Yo-Kai, but what about Ruru?

B. Ruru: Thanks for calling out for me!

They almost forgot she was always with him.

Kyle: So, if the rumors about Banchou were true, maybe other Rumors about Yo-Kai might be true? Question is how will we know?

As he asked that, it then hit Homura.

Homura: I think I know someone. He lives close to the Mountain and his family are Mages. Maybe he'll know about Yo-Kai?

After she said that, Whisper may know who she ment.

Whisper: Maybe I should be teaching you something little.

Before they could leave, Homura remembered something Whisper wanted to give them both.

Homura: Oh yeah, what was these things you wanted to give us? Are they upgrades for our Watches? If so, what do they do?

Whisper: Well, yes and no. Yes for your Arks, but no on upgrades.

Homura did a pout as Kyle wasn't getting it, as B. Ruru was interested.

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