my red

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My red, my blood.
I carried you in me, through mud and through flood.

My red, my red
Why so soon?

Had we seen the world sooner, then maybe you wouldn't have gone so soon?

I think about you often. Day and night.
I meet you in my dreams, under the willow tree;
surrounded by firelights.
And I question, do you feel me?

My red. Do you feel me?

The curls. The green. The brown. The sweat. The smile and the love. My heart; yearning for your touch.

Had I held you tighter would you have stayed? Had I held you tighter, would fate have disobeyed? I wonder till the end of time. And I wonder until the beat of my heart exceeds my rhymes.

I'd have held you tighter. I'd have loved you harder. More than now. And more than ever. I'd have brushed your hair and your hands. But you slipped away from me, as easily as the sands.

I'd have taken your palm, and follow you in your adventures, I would. I'd have been more honest, I should.

I'd have breathed you in. And melt myself within. Inside the crevice of your arms, just hold me back and let me be your calm. In my dreams, I'll follow you near. Maybe then when I'm in your position, I'll finally able to promise everything you'll ever hear.

My red, my blood.
Oh how our youth has passed.

My skins array, and my hair has turned grey. While yours remains the same. Your beauty, just as clear as yesterday.

My red, my blood. I'll soon be near. Just wait a little longer before our eternal adventure, where you shall never shed a tear, I say.

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