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I'd immortalize you if I could.
I'd keep you here on Earth.
And let you live forever, I would.

If I had abilities as such, you'd no longer see me weep.
The dreary nights where my pillows were soaked.
From my eyes and onto the fabric, they'd seep.

I'd cover you all in glass.
Where not even death dared to roam.
I'd hope it'd just stare and leave; giving you a pass.

Please don't think of leaving just yet,
and pause forever before your final breath.
I can't stand getting my pillows wet.
All from the tears I shed;
while thinking about you on your death bed.

Though death used to be a distant thought, and a fantasy,
I was stoned for my stupidity.
For it was all in front of us, all along.
As it always sang it's song.

I'd immortalize you if I could.
Your flesh and bones.
Your soul and heart.
I'd give to see the day where 'forever' wasn't a lie.
And I'd live to see the day where you could never die.

Let me cherish you more, so as long as you don't perish.
To bend the laws of nature, will I have to say a prayer?

I wish you were like the Earth; the very place you came out from. I wish you'd mimic it's lifespan. Exceeding it's age, even after your time should have come.

Please don't leave just yet.
I'd cry until my final breath, you see.
For I'd hate to see you go,
since I love you so.

I'd immortalize you if I could.
I really would.

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