Chapter 76

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Lyndon was escorted by the butler to the Duke's drawing room, where his subordinates stood ready for his commands. They had formed a perimeter around the Duke's mansion, their mission is clear and that is to locate Theor, who had gone missing.

Lyndon's heart ached for Astelle, knowing it was his responsibility to find Theor and return him to her side. Astelle's grace and intelligence had left a lasting impression on Lyndon during their encounters, and he couldn't help but admire her dignified demeanor.

As he surveyed the scene before him, Lyndon couldn't shake the feeling of admiration for Astelle, whose elegance and wisdom shone brightly even in the midst of turmoil.

Even Emperor Kaizen appeared to be regaining his interest in her.

Lyndon was equally taken aback by the revelation that Young Master Theor was Princess Astelle's son. Initially, it was an idea he couldn't fathom.

However, his feelings swiftly evolved into sympathy for Astelle. The princess had faced immense loss and now found herself navigating the challenges of single motherhood.

Instead of contempt, Lyndon's heart overflowed with pity for Astelle. The cruel mockery directed at Theor only served to magnify Astelle's plight in his eyes.

He wanted to promptly locate Theor and reunite him with Astelle.

Lyndon acknowledged Astelle's father, the Duke of Reston, with a sense of disdain in the drawing-room. Lyndon harbored a strong dislike for this middle-aged aristocrat.

The Duke greeted Lyndon with a cheerful smile upon seeing him.

"What is the purpose of your visit to my mansion?"

"I have come to retrieve Young Master Theor," Lyndon responded promptly.

"Who?" the Duke questioned.

The Duke wore a perplexed expression, as though hearing the name for the first time. But Lyndon remained unconvinced by his facade.

"I'm aware of your involvement, Duke. There's evidence to support it," Lyndon asserted firmly.

"I wasn't aware there were so many people interested in me," the Duke replied casually.

Stepping closer to him, Lyndon fixed the Duke with a menacing glare. "Kidnapping is a serious offense," he warned.

The Duke's response was slow as he carefully chose his words. "Are you suggesting it was wrong for a grandfather to bring his only grandson?" he asked, his tone calculated.

"Even if you're his grandfather, attacking his guardian and taking him away constitutes kidnapping," Lyndon countered sharply. "His Majesty the Emperor has ordered you to return Young Master Theor. Where is he now?"

It was considered highly impolite for a knight to speak so boldly to the Duke, yet the Duke responded with a nod and a smile.

"Very well, if His Majesty wishes to see my grandson, I shall personally accompany the child to the Imperial Palace. Would that suffice?" the Duke proposed amicably.

"That's not possible. I must take the Young Master with me immediately," Lyndon insisted.

Lyndon anticipated the Duke's refusal, but to his surprise, the Duke agreed without hesitation. "Then let us go together," he suggested.

Summoning the butler, the Duke issued a command.

"Wait a moment," the Duke called out.

After a brief pause, a man entered the drawing-room and approached the Duke.

The Duke instructed him, "Bring the child here."

Casting a glance at Lyndon, the man left the drawing-room.

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