Chapter 22

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Astelle led Theor up the winding stairs, and after a long ascent, they reached a narrow corridor that eventually led to their bedroom. An attendant guided them to the room and opened the wooden door for them.

The room was quite spacious, with a high ceiling and dark gray stone walls. Old tapestries adorned one side of the room, and in the center stood a large bed. A small wooden table, chairs, and a wall-mounted mirror completed the room's furnishings.

While everything appeared tidy, it was clear that the decor was reminiscent of a style popular many decades ago. The room had a somewhat outdated and slightly shabby feel to it, which was understandable given that it belonged to a castle in a remote corner of the country.

Astelle and Theor settled into the room, making themselves comfortable for the evening. Astelle couldn't help but wonder about their stay in this aging castle, but she was grateful for the shelter it provided.

As Astelle arranged her belongings, Theor excitedly rushed to an arrowhead-shaped window on one of the room's walls. He eagerly pointed outside and exclaimed, "Aunt Astelle, look over there! I can see the village."

Astelle quickly joined Theor at the window, reminding him to be careful not to fall. Together, they gazed out and saw the picturesque view of a small country town below. The town was dotted with small houses and had a peaceful, tranquil atmosphere.

The square vegetable garden and the distant gray mountain ranges added to the serene scene. The setting sun cast a soft glow over the landscape, creating a serene ambiance.

However, as Astelle looked out the window, she noticed something unusual. On a nearby tree, she saw black and withered petals. They belonged to a silver plum blossom, a flower that typically bloomed in pristine white, resembling dove's wings. But now, the once-fluffy petals had all withered and darkened.

Astelle couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. In the villages she had visited before, the death of silver plum blossoms had often been a grim omen, signaling the outbreak of a severe and contagious illness. The sight of the withered flowers filled her with concern for the village below.

Astelle, deeply concerned about the sight of the withered silver plum blossoms, couldn't help but recall the name of the dreaded disease that often followed such signs...

Innes fever.

It was an endemic illness that plagued the northeast region of the continent. Over the six years she had spent in the East, Astelle had witnessed the withering of silver plum blossoms multiple times, each heralding the outbreak of Innes fever in the villages she visited.

Her experience with the disease taught her that timely treatment with medicine could easily cure Innes fever. However, the disease often took a heavy toll on impoverished farmers who lacked access to medical care or the means to make the necessary medicines from the abundant herbs surrounding them.

As Astelle observed the withered blossoms, she couldn't help but feel relieved that there didn't appear to be any severe outbreak in the village below, at least for now.

Just then, there was a gentle knock on the door, and an elderly maid entered with a tray of refreshments. On the tray were teacups and cookies, accompanied by a delightful aroma of hot cocoa with a sweet chocolate scent. Theor, who had been hanging onto the window sill, eagerly rushed toward the tray, his eyes filled with anticipation.

The child asked Astelle with hopeful eyes, "Can I eat it?"

"Of course, Young Master," the maid replied with a warm smile. She carefully handed Theor a small cup of cocoa.

"Thank you," Theor graciously accepted the cocoa, his laughter lighting up the room as he expressed his gratitude. The maid's eyes crinkled with a smile in response.

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