Chapter 53

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"Alright. They can return home," Kaizen conceded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Astelle responded gratefully, her face lighting up with joy.

Witnessing Astelle's happiness stirred a bitter sensation within Kaizen. He averted his gaze, struggling with conflicting emotions.

"I should have granted permission earlier, but I needlessly insisted," Kaizen remarked with a hint of regret.

"Don't worry about it. I hold no resentment toward Your Majesty. I intended to leave with Theor and my grandfather regardless," Astelle's voice was barely a whisper, gentle and subdued.

Kaizen felt the urge to ask her if she would return after her tasks in the capital were done. Yet, it seemed like such a foolish question that he couldn't voice it.

'Are you planning to come back after your duties in the capital?' The question lingered in Kaizen's mind, unspoken.

He reasoned internally, 'Of course, she will return.'

Without Theor and the Marquis, Astelle had no compelling reason to remain in the capital. Once the Empress Dowager's will was completed, he assumed she would leave without hesitation.

Kaizen grappled with the bitter reality of having no valid reason to be by Astelle's side. As she turned away, focusing on her herb search, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness.

Kaizen slowly approached her. "I'll assist you in finding the herbs," he offered.

Amidst this moment, a peculiar noise caught his attention—an almost imperceptible rustling of footsteps. The faint sound emanated from behind Astelle.

Tall birch trees loomed overhead, their dense leaves obscuring the light and casting a shadowy darkness. A figure concealed a few steps behind Astelle remained unseen, hidden within the forest's depths.

No one had permission to enter this forest without authorization. The accompanying knights were stationed outside the forest's entrance, making any unauthorized presence unexpected.

Kaizen pondered silently, 'Is it Vellian or the Marquis?' he questioned inwardly.

Keenly, Kaizen focused on the hushed footsteps, the rustling drawing nearer.

'It's not just one or two people. It can't be Vellian or the Marquis,' he concluded.

Without hesitation, Kaizen moved forward, appearing as if he were approaching Astelle. Behind her, amidst the herbs, thick bushes concealed the source of the approaching sound. Taking a few steps closer, Kaizen spoke in a hushed tone,

"Astelle, lower your head," Kaizen urgently instructed.

Astelle, poised to gather medicinal herbs, sensed the imminent danger and tension layered within Kaizen's voice. Reacting swiftly, she instinctively inclined her head downward.

In a swift motion, Kaizen drew a dagger and hurled it towards the bush.


A frantic cry echoed from the obscured grass blades, shattering the stillness. In response to the sound, masked assassins emerged swiftly from their concealed positions. Each one brandished a drawn sword, ready for confrontation.

'An assassination attempt?' This kind of ambush hadn't occurred since the Northern war ended.

Kaizen unsheathed his sword, faced with six enemies. The odds seemed favorable, save for one crucial factor.

"Astelle," Kaizen called out, lifting his sword and turning towards her. She was vulnerable and needed protection.

"Stay close to me," he urged, knowing he had to shield her from harm.

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