Chapter 20

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In her last letter to her maternal grandfather, Astelle had expressed her concerns about his health. Her maternal grandfather had understood her underlying worry, and now, his ailment had manifested just as she had hoped.

Astelle's relief was palpable as she feigned tears. Yet, the two observers in the room couldn't help but feel awkward. Vellian, stealing a glance at his lord, was taken aback once more by Kaizen's visibly distressed expression. Astelle produced a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes.

"Grandfather has been away from home for so long... and you weren't feeling well even before this," Astelle lamented, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Vellian attempted to offer consolation in his own way. "Don't worry too much; it doesn't seem too serious."

However, Astelle persisted, holding the handkerchief to her eyes with a mournful expression, her trembling hand revealing the depth of her feigned distress. "You're getting on in years... and all because of me... you've had to suffer in this remote place."

Kaizen watched Astelle with a growing sense of embarrassment, beginning to regret his actions. He thought, 'I should have just sent someone to explain the situation and request assistance.' If he had done so, Astelle might not have run away, and the situation might have been resolved more smoothly.

Kaizen's impulsive decision to send knights and soldiers without prior notice had indeed led to a series of misunderstandings, resulting in Astelle and the elderly Marquis fleeing for two months.

The Marquis' health had also suffered as a consequence of this ordeal, and Kaizen couldn't help but blame himself, feeling a deep sense of regret. As he watched Astelle, who was mourning and shedding tears unlike her usual self, his remorse gnawed at him.

Astelle, ever perceptive, noticed Kaizen's regret. With tearful eyes, she looked up at the emperor and made a heartfelt request. "Your Majesty, may I ask a favor?" Her recent stroke of luck had been fortunate, but she harbored no illusions about it continuing indefinitely. She needed to remove the child from this man's sight as soon as possible.

Astelle had a plan in mind. Her intention was to journey to Denz Castle, where her maternal grandfather resided, in order to escape Kaizen's vigilant gaze. Once there, she would arrange for her grandfather and Theor to return home first.

Astelle was confident that Kaizen would not object, especially if she earnestly pleaded that her grandfather's illness was not severe. After all, in Kaizen's eyes, she was the only one he needed to bring to the capital. There would be no need to take along a five-year-old child and her ailing grandfather. It seemed like a reasonable plan, and Astelle hoped that her request would be granted.

"If you permit it, could I take Theor and go to Denz Castle where my grandfather resides?" Astelle looked up at Kaizen with sincerity in her eyes as she wiped away her tears. "I wish to care for my grandfather personally. Even just seeing Theor might bring some energy to him."

Vellian, who had been listening to Astelle's request, expected that the emperor would grant it without hesitation. Denz Castle was on the way to the capital, and Kaizen and his entourage would eventually pass through there.

Moreover, Astelle wasn't being held as a prisoner; she was willingly assisting the emperor. Despite any regrets he might have had, it made sense to honor her requests. Considering the Marquis's poor health, sending his granddaughter ahead seemed reasonable.

Vellian believed that Astelle had no reason to flee at this point. She would be accompanied by knights, so there was no opportunity for escape. However, he was as surprised as Astelle when Kaizen firmly rejected her request.

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