Chapter 64

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However, before she could respond, a calm voice interjected, taking her place. It was the Marquis of Carlenberg, who had been present by Theor's bedside. He spoke in a low, indifferent tone, diverting attention away from Astelle.

"Come to think of it, my late wife may have had such a sensitivity," the Marquis stated, his gaze averted from Astelle's. "However, it's peculiar. Neither of my children nor my deceased grandson exhibited such a reaction."

Astelle turned her head to face the Marquis, surprised by his sudden involvement in the conversation. He continued speaking in a detached manner, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. "But I suppose that's not unusual. Genetic diseases often skip generations," he mused, his words met with a casual shrug from the doctor.

Astelle knew that her maternal grandmother did not possess such a constitution, but she chose to remain silent, her gaze fixed on Theor. She understood the reasons behind her grandfather's deception regarding her maternal grandmother.

The Marchioness of Carlenberg had long since passed away, and the memories surrounding her had faded over time. The details of her life were no longer easily accessible to anyone.

However, Astelle couldn't help but consider the possibility of seeking answers from her cousin, Sigmund, or her uncle, who might still have connections and knowledge within the capital. They could potentially shed light on their family history and provide insights into Theor's condition.

The doctor retrieved a small vial from his bag. "Take this antipyretic, and he'll be fine. If the fever subsides, there should be no further complications. However, considering his young age, it's best for him to rest for at least two weeks to ensure no lingering side effects."

Astelle carefully lifted Theor, cradling his head with utmost gentleness. Using a spoon, she administered the medicine, pouring it into his mouth little by little. Theor, still in an unconscious state, slowly swallowed the medicine that Astelle offered.

Once Theor had taken the medicine, Astelle gently placed him back onto the bed, her concern evident in her eyes. The fever still raged within him, his body battling the illness.

A comforting presence settled upon Astelle's shoulder, and she looked up to see her maternal grandfather, the Marquis, gazing down at her. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting pat. Astelle reached out and held her grandfather's hand, finding solace in his presence.

Kaizen observed the scene silently, his concern for Theor and Astelle evident in his eyes.

• 🍁 •

The antipyretic prescribed by the doctor proved to be effective. Within an hour or two of taking the medicine, Theor's fever began to recede. The intense heat that had consumed him gradually subsided, and the pallor that had overtaken his complexion slowly regained its natural color.

Astelle's voice filled with relief and tenderness as she reassured Theor, her hand gently stroking his hair. She could feel the softness of his fine, black strands entwined around her fingers. Theor's condition continued to improve steadily.

The fever that had once raged within him had almost completely subsided, leaving only a slight warmth remaining. Even the sound of his breathing, which had been laborious, now flowed comfortably.

Astelle found solace in the fact that the fever had abated, and Theor seemed at ease. She whispered soothingly, "You're fine. You will wake up soon." Theor lay on a cozy blanket, his body gradually recovering from the ordeal.

After a while, Theor, who had been resting peacefully, slowly opened his eyes.


"Theor? Are you okay?" His blue eyes slowly appeared between his eyelids as he turned his gaze towards Astelle and the people surrounding him.

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