Chapter 8

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Astelle paused for a moment as she heard the conversation inside the room, and then she opened the door without hesitation.


The door swung open, and the maids who had been talking inside the room turned around abruptly.


The maids quickly bent their knees and lowered their heads deeply, their faces filled with frustration. Theor didn't understand the context of the conversation, but he sensed that something was amiss.

Astelle, wearing a calm expression, addressed the maids in white.

"When you're finished with your discussion, please prepare a bath for the child."

The maids exchanged glances with each other and hurriedly left the room. They moved busily, and soon the bathroom was ready, with hot water steaming.

Astelle gently bathed Theor in the warm water and changed his clothes.

"Why?" Theor asked, sensing her unease as he looked into Astelle's eyes.

Astelle chuckled casually and replied to the child, "No, I'm not mad."

Theor tilted his head, still curious, and asked, "Aunt Astelle, are you upset?"

Astelle smiled at Theor, thinking that 5-year-olds were at an age where they could be quite perceptive. He wasn't so naive that he knew nothing, but he was still too young to understand all the complexities of the world.

Astelle lightly tapped Theor's little nose and redirected his attention. "After your bath, I'll get Levin for you."

Theor's eyes lit up at the mention of Levin, his favorite teddy bear. Astelle had made Levin herself from an old brown velvet curtain. Although the bear had become worn and tattered over time, Theor still cherished it dearly. The maids felt relieved to see Theor's innocent joy.

Astelle took Theor to the bedroom and retrieved the teddy bear from her bag. Then, she returned to the connected parlor, leaving Theor to play with his beloved doll in bed.

Astelle looked at the maids standing before her, her demeanor calm but firm. She issued a clear command, her tone unwavering.

"Go find the butler, repeat exactly what you said, and ask him to send a replacement maid."

The maids, who had listened with initially blank expressions, began to stammer.

"L-Lady... Well, we didn't mean..."

Only now did the maids start to tremble, realizing the gravity of their situation. Perhaps they had thought they could get away with their gossip earlier, but now they were frightened by Astelle's stern reaction.

"I didn't immediately reprimand you because I didn't want to show that in front of a young child," Astelle calmly explained in a nonchalant tone. She knew it wouldn't be appropriate to display anger or punish the maids in front of Theor. She didn't want to burden a 5-year-old with the details of the gossip.

In truth, the gossip was just that-gossip among the maids. If Astelle had overheard it on her own, she might have chosen to ignore it. However, this time there was a compelling reason she couldn't overlook it.

"I don't mind whatever you talk about, but I can't tolerate the maids gossiping where a child can hear it."

With that, the maids quickly fled the room and hurried outside. Such reports could result in at least a salary reduction, demotion, or even more severe punishments.

In the bedroom, Theor continued playing with his fluffy teddy bear.

"Theor, it's time for your medicine."

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