Chapter 74

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"Hey, Count," a middle-aged man approached Vellian, his demeanor suggesting authority. He was the Minister of the Interior.

Resting his hands on the desk, the man's presence seemed to agitate Vellian, evident in the furrow of his brows.

"Why do you—" Vellian began, but was abruptly cut off.

"What the hell is going on?" the Minister of the Interior demanded, his tone betraying frustration.

Vellian's breath caught in his throat, his mind racing as he prepared himself to deliver the same response he had reiterated countless times in recent days.

"This is the order of His Majesty the Emperor," he stated firmly, his words carrying the weight of authority.

Upon hearing this, the Minister of the Interior visibly tensed, biting his lip in dissatisfaction. Vellian understood the man's reaction all too well; the situation was indeed fraught with complexity and uncertainty.

Vellian had been enduring days of turmoil and distress.

The Emperor's decree to reinstate Princess Reston as Empress had sent shockwaves throughout the capital, leaving the nobles in a state of disbelief.

While it was undeniable that Astelle possessed all the qualities necessary to ascend to the position of Empress, the presence of her child complicated matters greatly.

Moreover, the child was illegitimate, with the identity of the father shrouded in mystery.

'It was truly shocking,' Vellian muttered to himself, his thoughts consumed by the memory of Astelle's composed and regal demeanor.

'Who is his father?'

Upon learning of Astelle's status as the child's biological mother, Vellian couldn't help but entertain the possibility that Theor might be the son of His Majesty the Emperor.

Given Astelle's reserved and principled nature, Vellian found it difficult to believe that she would engage in a romantic with someone after her divorce.

'But his eyes...' Vellian mused, his thoughts drifting to Theor's striking blue eyes.

Historically, there had never been a member of the imperial family with blue eyes. Yet, upon closer examination, Vellian couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity when comparing Theor's features to those of the Emperor.

Nevertheless, the incongruity of Theor's blue eyes dashed any hopes of him being the Emperor's son.

'In the end, it's impossible,' Vellian concluded, resigned to the fact that Theor couldn't possibly be the Emperor's offspring.

After all, if Theor were truly a prince, there would be no reason to conceal his identity.

"How did this happen? What were you doing while you were there? You must ensure His Majesty's well-being!"

For the past few days, the Interior Minister, along with other ministers and some nobles, had made Vellian endure their grievances, all echoing the same sentiment.

They couldn't reconcile with the Emperor's decision to elevate a princess who bore an illegitimate child to the position of Empress.

Regardless of a princess' high status, the notion of a single mother of an illegitimate child ascending to the throne seemed unfathomable to them. It was deemed impossible, especially considering the princess' father, the Duke of Reston, had already been stripped of power in his clashes with the Emperor.

In every aspect, the princess appeared unfit to be Empress, even if she had held the title before.

Vellian, too, harbored a desire to halt this union if it were within his power to do so.

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