Chapter 1

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Astelle's life had been marked by relentless dedication and a single-minded pursuit of her dream. Her goal was clear...

To become the beloved wife of Kaizen, the Prince of the Lastiel Empire.

This dream was born when she was just ten years old, on the day Kaizen gave her a necklace with blue gems known as the 'Blue Moonlight,' a treasure of the imperial family and a symbol of their engagement.

For the next decade, Astelle's life was one of rigorous education and preparation for her role as the crown princess.

She delved into various subjects, from politics and history to military studies and the arts. Courtly etiquette became second nature to her, more familiar than mathematical formulas.

She had little time for play or leisure, devoting herself entirely to her studies and her dream.

Despite the challenges and sacrifices, Astelle endured it all for the sake of the boy she had met on her tenth birthday.

Kaizen, with his dark hair and red eyes, had become the central figure in her life. The necklace he had given her became a symbol of her purpose, a reminder of her destiny as the prince's fiancée.

As the years passed, Astelle's commitment to her role as the crown princess remained unwavering.

She continued her studies, even taking on responsibilities as an empress in waiting. Her dedication and loyalty to Kaizen never wavered.

However, ominous rumors began to circulate, casting a shadow over their relationship. Whispers of the Crown Prince's desire to break up with Astelle slowly spread, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and tension.

In response, Astelle's father, Duke Reston, hastened their marriage to put an end to these rumors.

At the Duke's request and with the Emperor's approval, Astelle and Kaizen officially became husband and wife, embarking on a new chapter in their lives.

Astelle's marriage to Kaizen, the Crown Prince, began with a glimmer of hope and understanding. Kaizen expressed his desire to delay starting a family, saying their youth and the presence of the Emperor.

Astelle was appreciative of this consideration, knowing that having children immediately after becoming the Crown Princess would be challenging.

Despite this, tradition dictated that their first night together as a married couple must be observed to avoid misunderstandings. Astelle proposed taking contraception to avoid any complications.

However, Kaizen, after some contemplation, refused to burden her with this responsibility and decided to take the contraceptive himself.

Throughout this time, Kaizen treated Astelle with utmost care and courtesy, easing her nervousness and making her feel cherished.

Astelle believed in their marriage, viewing it as a partnership based on mutual respect, even though it was primarily political. She held onto the dream of a harmonious life together.

Yet, their dreams were shattered abruptly on the first morning of their honeymoon. The shocking news of the sudden death of the Emperor reached them, altering the course of their lives dramatically.

"Divorce me," were the cold, unfeeling words Kaizen, now Emperor, uttered to Astelle, who had become his Empress.

He continued, dismissing their marriage with ruthless indifference, "My late father arranged this marriage, not me. I never desired to marry you, not even for a moment. So, let's better end this."

In that moment, Astelle felt the weight of reality pressing down on her. She couldn't help but think of the necklace that had hung around her neck ever since their first meeting when she was just ten years old.

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