Reyna, Aboard the Magnus Irrumatus

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"The Warp is a strange and terrible place. You might as well throw a traveller into a sea of sharks and tell him to swim home as send him through the Warp unprotected. Better it is not to let common man travel through the stars. Better still, let him not know such a thing is feasible."
—Fra Safrane, 5th Aide to Navigator De'el

"Yeah, but sharks are like dogs. They only bite when you touch their private parts."
—Techno-archeologist Leo Valdez


Reyna let out a dissatisfied breath as she pushed herself off the faux marble floor. The artificial gravity of the Magnus Irrumatus - a luxury yacht-class warp vessel Leo had insisted she requisition -was only nine-tenths that of Holy Terra's if her calculations were correct. The difference meant that she would have to train longer to maintain her Emperor-blessed physique.

"Oh, how terrible!" The voice in her head scoffed. "That extra time training is going to interfere with our training!" She tucked one arm behind her back and lowered herself to the floor as the voice let out an unamused laugh. "All we do is train! And when we're not, we're thinking about ways we could be training!" With a flick of her wrist, she launched herself up. "Why don't we try something new, like socializing?"

She switched arms midair and landed silently on just her index finger. Her muscles tensed in preparation for the next pushup, but for some unknowable reason, her eyes drifted to the cabin's other two occupants.

"Soooo... You don't speak?" Leo asked the Sister of Silence seated across from him. The young tech-priest and his ' pet' staring at Piper in her Vratine armor the same way as he might a toaster from the Dark Age of Technology.

Piper replied with a curt nod as she tapped her fingers on the synthetic wood desk that occupied a majority of what would normally be the captain's cabin.

"Ok... Ok..." Leo repeated, nodding his head as he looked from side-to-side; Festus was quick to imitate him. "Is it that you don't or can't ?" He asked. "Because I know some orders like to..." The tech-priest stuck out his tongue and moved his fingers as if they were scissors. "If you get what I mean."

The young woman's eyes widened, aghast by the implications of Leo's crude miming. Reyna would have even dared say Piper's expression was humorous. As her eyes seemed larger from her mostly-shaved head and her face mask hiding her mouth.

"Piper's tongue was not removed," she explained as she continued her workout. Her answer after hours of silence startling the other three. "She, like the rest of her order, took a vow of silence upon the completion of her training, as a means of showing their eternal dedication to the Emperor."

And Reyna respected that.

In fact, all of the Adeptus Custodes respected that. Afterall, the Sisters of Silence were the other half of the Talons of the Emperor- the other half obviously being the Custodes themselves. The two groups complimented each other in battle to the point of near invincibility. The Sisters' unique, soulless nature rendering both psykers and daemons helpless to the might of the Custodes.

A trait that the daemon, Leo, was immune to...

The energetic young man displaying none of the usual repulsion normal humans felt when in the presence of a blank.

Leo narrowed his eyes at Piper, as one of his mechanical limbs began to stroke his chin. "This journey now has a secondary objective," he grinned. "And I will not rest until I-"

In the Grim Dark Future of the 41st Millenium There Is Only CringeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum