He poisoned Thalia. For a stupid fleece. He could have killed what's left of a brave, scared girl who died for her friends.

He's a monster.

When I first saw the yellowing needles and falling branches, I told myself that it wasn't him, that it was simply a passing phase due to the weather. That Luke would never do something so terrible to the girl he once considered his best friend.

I don't know why I kept my hopes up. He's already proven time and time again he's prepared to do terrible things to reach his twisted goals, why would this time be any different?

I can't believe that I thought he was a good person. Whatever means he hoped to achieve we're not worth a cost this high, and I couldn't bring myself to think about him as a misguided person anymore.

If he was okay with poisoning Thalia, then who knows what else he's willing to do to achieve what he calls a better world. He's dangerous, like a beautiful spider that lures you in with its charm and then traps you in its carefully spun wen.

I am nothing but a little fly, trapped and unable to escape.

All I want now is for this to be over, for the war to pass without hurting camp more than it already has. I don't think I care if the gods or titans win anymore, just that in the end, I'll be safe with my family.

I know that's never going to happen.

War is a brutal thing, and the demigods? We're stuck right on the middle of two sides, neither of them afraid to use us as their pawns. And while some others were still free, could still choose, I was being forced to make a move I didn't want to, for a king I despised.

Ah, maybe I should stop pondering questions beyond my understanding and just focus on that pegasus ride I have planned with Charlie later today.

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