"I haven't had any brought to my attention against you, since you've taken over, but Mitchum had several made against him."

"Half of them were probably from me." Logan chuckled.

"Actually, a few of them did have your name attached to them." Carlos told him.

"How did you even hear about those?"

"I have eyes and ears everywhere."

"Did my Dad have me followed?"

"Every so often, yes, you were. But only when things got chaotic and your safety was of concern. I only had you followed twice, but I know that the guy who was in charge of security before I stepped in, had an large contingency plan in place for your entire family, in case things went south."

"You mean, in case my Dad pissed off the wrong person."

"Pretty much."

"Who did Mitchum piss off?" Rory asked.

"Mitchum had a lot of enemies." Carlos answered.

"I know that there is a mafia boss that hates him. Because of an article that Dad approved for publication, naming some of the guy's family members, there was a hit put out on both my Dad and the person who wrote the article." Logan told them.

"I remember hearing about that. How was that finally resolved?"

"My Dad probably paid the guy a ton of money or something. I have no idea. You know how clueless my Dad can be sometimes."

"I am still learning all the ins and outs of newspaper publishing, but even I know that there are certain last names that you NEVER publish anything about, or even mention the names at all, without their approval. All it takes is a phone call, to get their permission." Rory told them.

"If they like you, all it takes is a phone call. They didn't like my Dad." Logan told her. "I dated a girl from one of those families a couple of times."

"When was that?"

"Right before I met you, actually. She went to Yale."

"Was it Willamena?"

"How do you know Willamena?"

"I had a class with her during my junior year. I had no idea that you dated her."

"I dated a lot of girls at that school."

"Oh I know you did. She just never said anything to me about it. And she knew that we were together."

"Probably because it wasn't a big deal. I think we only went out twice. And Willamena also doesn't gossip."

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