"Hell no! Babies need to be around a lot of noise, so they can learn to sleep through it. It makes them better sleepers. It's much too quiet in this house, and if we don't start exposing Ayribella to a louder environment now, then she is going to get accustomed to only sleeping when it's silent, and she will wake up to every tiny noise she hears. Is that really what you want? Do you want a baby that can't sleep through a rain storm?"

"Trust me, I know all of that. I'm just asking what you think is going to happen."

"Babies sleep. Ayribella sleeps best when she's held. She's tiny, and not at all mobile, meaning that she can't go anywhere, or do anything on her own. She sleeps around 18 hours a day. She will sleep just fine in the carrier at the office, just like she does in the carrier, here at home. And if she cries, I'll close my door and feed her. It's easy."

"And if she won't stop crying?"

"Then I'll come home. But honestly, we haven't had a problem with that yet. If it happens, there is nothing that we can do to prevent it, so we'll deal with it then. But for now, I need to get out of this house."

"How much do you plan on working? Are you planning to go back to full-time?"

"Not at the moment. I'll just go in when I feel like it, or if there is a meeting that I need to attend. I'll still do most of my work from home, but I'll probably at least spend a few hours a week in the office."

"What if I stayed home with Ayribella while you go in?"

"You don't have the boobs to feed her, and Ayribella has never had a bottle. You are the one who hasn't even wanted me to try to pump for her yet, so how exactly do you think that one is supposed to work? How are you going to feed our daughter when she's hungry, and I'm at the office without her?"

"You could start pumping, if you wanted to."

"I'm taking her to the office with me. Why are you so against this?"

"I'm not. I'm on your side. I just know how certain board and extended family members are going to react. I am trying to come up with alternatives for you, to save you from the drama that is going to be thrown at you, as soon as they find out that you brought a baby into a work place."

"Do you think that I care what any of them have to say?"

"I know that you don't."

"Exactly! And you know that I have no problem saying that to any of their faces too. If they want to make snide comments about me being a working mother, then they can either resign, or I'll terminate their contracts. It's my office, and my company. I own every single one of those peons."

"You don't think that the board will try to oust you for having a baby in the office?"

"Please, they would need an 80% vote to even try. Considering that 5 of the 20 board members are you, me, Hugo, my grandpa, and Honor, I don't see them hitting 80%. The closest they could get would be 75. So unless one of the five of us decided to flip, and side with the aging Huntzberger morons, I am completely untouchable! After the last Huntzberger that I ousted, I now have the board stacked in my favor. Without an 80% vote against me, I get to do whatever I want. Your uncles have absolutely no choice, but to play ball. Those idiots are the ones that put the 80% vote in company bylaws, rather than a majority vote. Even if they managed to get all of the other 15 board members to vote against me, they still need to flip one of my people, and good luck with that!"

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