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"Aw, are you still mad at me? It was hours ago, I haven't done anything else since then".

I huff and puff as I tiredly move away from his car and towards the house, somehow sore all over because of Yoongi's tickling during lunchtime. I still can't believe that Namjoon and Hoseok watched instead of helping me. I was suffering, and all they did was laugh.

The betrayal shall not be forgotten.

"You've done enough" I grumble before unlocking the door, and he sighs as he follows behind me. He closes the door and removes his shoes to leave the entrance while I transfer onto my inside wheelchair.

I don't bother with putting the other one in the closet, no strength left in my body for those extra steps when all I want is to rest.

I ended up working a few more hours in overtime after I was sent an urgent copy to translate for the legal team, and Yoongi eventually fell asleep on the couch while the building slowly emptied out. Hoseok came by to say goodbye, but didn't linger for too long as he didn't want to wake him up.

Needless to say, today has burned my brain until there's nothing left but a tiny rock pebble, and I would plop right down on the couch if that was something I could still do. Alas, I need to work out if I want to get there, and I don't even know if my body can allow me that right now.

Slowly, I make my way to the kitchen where I grab a glass that I fill with water, and magick does its usual thing to keep it cold while Yoongi's looking in the fridge for something to eat. I should've ordered us something at the company, but I was so focused on work and he was sleeping, so dinner was skipped right over.

I take my time drinking, feeling almost lethargic on my chair. Honestly, I think I could fall asleep right here at this point.

"There's not much left in here... I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow evening after dropping you off at home, do you think you'd be alright on your own for... let's say two hours?" he asks after a while of searching fruitlessly, and I hum before setting the empty glass on the counter.

"I used to spend entire days on my own, I think I'll be fine for two hours" I reply plainly, and I wince at how sarcastic my tone sounded even though that wasn't my goal. Yoongi turns around to stare at me as I make a move to exit the kitchen with the last of my energy.

"Y/N, are you alright?" he asks, concerned as he begins to follow after me. I can feel his magick washing over me, looking for something, but my ice crystals have been pretty obedient since lunch, he won't find anything strange this time.

"I'm just exhausted, Yoongi, don't worry about it" I let out while heading towards the living room, and I spot the lounge chair, wanting nothing more than to lie down on it and stop thinking until sleep welcomes me into its cold embrace.

With my lips pursed, I mentally prepare myself for the workout that's to come as I lock the brakes besides the bed-like couch, and I inhale deeply before trying to raise myself high enough so that I can at least sit on the edge first, but my arms don't last quite as long as I hoped for.

They shake and give up within seconds, and I almost fall off my chair when I fall back down. I groan in irritation, feeling the tears of exhaustion right there, beneath my water line. If one more thing doesn't go my way tonight, I'll cry like a baby, I can feel it.

Yoongi exhales deeply at the sight, then moves to my side with an earnest expression on his face.

"Do you want my help?".

Such a simple question that is, to be offered help, and yet it currently feels as if Yoongi just offered to move a mountain just to make my life easier. I try to not let the tears show, but he only needs to see the way I'm clenching my jaw and the shine in my eyes to know that I'm reaching a limit today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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