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"Aww shit, you've got to be kidding me".

My sudden annoyance easily catches Yoongi's attention even though he's currently all the way across the house, and he doesn't waste a second in hurrying over when I hear him knock on my bedroom's door a couple of seconds later.

"Everything alright in there?" he asks with concern on his face, his nerves standing on edge as he waits for an answer. It's been a whole day since we came back from the park after our fight and a part of him is still worried that it perhaps wasn't fully resolved despite our talk.

He'd honestly rather know instead of being left in the dark if that were true, but he also knows that this is just his anxiety speaking. It keeps coming up with endless scenarios of what ifs, a side effect of caring too much, so he's trying really hard to see things as they really are instead of how they might be.

I try to stretch my arm to the floor so I can grab my phone, and the cracked screen is indeed there when I raise it, just like I thought. I sigh.

"Damn it. I- yeah, I'm fine, Yoongi. It's just my phone. I dropped it and the screen broke" I grumble unhappily as I open the door to see him standing awkwardly on the other side like a sim character. I would've laughed for sure if the harmless incident wasn't so bothersome.

I show him my device and watch as he takes in the damage done, relief settling in his posture when he gets to cross out a few of the worst scenarios.

"Oh wow. Did you throw it against the wall?".

I grimace before exiting my bedroom, and he follows after me with a light grin on his face.

"No. It just fell at a weird angle when I removed the cover to clean up the dirt. Should've left it dirty, stupid thing. Do you know if there's a repair shop not too far from here? I can't leave it in this state" I ask him with the intention of going now, there must be a place that's opened during the weekend, right?

He scratches the back of his neck. "Uh. I actually have some spare screens left from when I was still practicing on dead phones as a hobby. I've got one for your model so... I could repair it for you, if you want".

I stare at him, surprised, and yet it also feels natural to hear that he can do that too.

"You really can do everything, can't you?" I let out in amazement, to which he shrugs shyly with a hand rubbing his nape in embarrassment. He's not used to the praise, it feels strange to hear.

"I learned to depend only on myself at a young age, it felt right to learn as much as I could so I wouldn't be stuck not knowing what to do in various situations" he explains bashfully, words that make sense considering his past.

"I guess you're right. You're like a... a superhuman, nothing can stop you" I blurt out with genuine praise, and he starts to laugh in response, cheeks pink with delight as he observes me with a happy glint in his eyes.

"And it all led to this moment. Now I'm fixing your problems too" he muses lightly, like this is the best thing to have ever happened to him. Who is he kidding? It really is, he would be lying if he denied it, it feels good to be needed.

"Yeah... I- I can pay you for that. I don't want you to feel like you have to help me for everything just because you're my caregiver, it's bad enough that I'm not giving you a salary" I mumble with pursed lips and a frown, it feels like I'm just taking advantage of him now and it's making me uncomfortable.

"Nonsense. Your salary to me is a place to live and food to eat, that's more than enough. Just consider my help as thanks for the crystal kitten, no need to pay for anything" he assures me with a stubborn wave of the hand, and I pinch my lips into a small, shy smile.

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