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It feels strange going to work using Yoongi's car this morning, and I can feel way too many prying eyes for comfort following us as we enter inside the tall building and towards the elevator at the end of the lobby to reach my floor.

It shouldn't be surprising that we're both nervous at the prospect of having to deal with everyone's staring for a couple of days - some believe he's a new employee while some others know that he's here for me - and as news spread of what this handsome man is doing here with someone like me, I just know that we will become the center of everyone's attention very soon.

The elevator is already busy and going up by the time we reach it, so we wait for the next one with a cold sweat running down our skin as a crowd gathers behind us, their whispers not so discreet that we can't hear them, which we try to ignore as much as possible.

"Look at them... that's the girl working in our translation department, right? Is he her babysitter or something? He's clearly not here to work, not with the way he's dressed. Looks like a teenager".

"Who knows, I saw him pulling her out of a car earlier. I think he might be her caregiver, poor guy. Must be tough taking care of someone like that, he even has to accompany her to work during the day".

I look up at Yoongi apologetically and he forces on a tight smile to reassure me, though it doesn't reach his eyes. His hands are clenched into tight fists that I, for a reason that escapes me, would've gladly held had we not been here.

We talked about this kind of reaction on the way to work so we were both expecting for something like that to happen considering that I'm literally bringing my caregiver with me to work - which, let's say it, isn't very common - but it still doesn't feel too good hearing them talk that way about us.

Maybe we should come by a bit earlier next time, it would at least save us from having to hear all of their theories.

"Y/N, Yoongi, good morning" a sudden cheerful voice chirps from behind us, and I immediately relax when I look over my shoulder to find Hoseok coming over in our direction with a bright smile on his face.

Everyone shuts up as soon as he reaches our side, and I release a long silent breath as the weight that was stalking over my shoulders disappears quickly. I'd never felt that kind of gentle sensation before today, but it must be his magick being in action right now.

Hoseok told me once that he can manipulate his environment's energy and other people's emotions by overriding them with ones of his liking when necessary. It acts a bit like a hug, like a warm fireplace in the middle of winter, or even as a soft blanket to cuddle into during a calm afternoon.

He doesn't do it often, but situations such as this one must fit his requirements, and I'm thankful because this comforting lightness feels much better than the anxiety that was slowly rising in the pit of my stomach.

Even Yoongi seems less tensed and more at ease now. Thank goodness for this man, I'm glad that he's here.

"Good morning, Hoseok" I greet him back with a relieved smile, it feels like we're safer with him on our side since everyone knows that he's favoured by the CEO - he does a perfect job every single day and he's been selected as the best employee for years in a row now.

It's honestly a miracle that I was put under his wing when I was hired, because looking over someone like me isn't normally supposed to be part of his tasks.

Maybe my disability made me look pitiful and they felt I should at least have someone strong to support me before everyone tries to trample over me, but either way, I'm not complaining because without him to supervise my work, I would have been kicked out a long time ago.

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