Chapter 77- I Question Why We're Dating

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"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"I'm trying to find my snapback." Brad said as he was behind the camera, looking on his dresser.

"You do realize it's already recording right?"

"What?" Brad asked as I laughed. "Found it!"

Brad sat down next to me as we were both sitting down in front of the camera.

"Wait can I hide?" Brad asked as I nodded.

"You're such a 3 year old." I laughed

"Hey guys it's JJ! Today I'm going to do a video because it's Wednesday and Wednesday's are the special days for videos!" I laughed. "Anyways I have a special guest here!" I said as I held up Brad's Teddy Bear.

"ITS GLEN!" I laughed as I hear Brad popping out and going into the camera frame.

"Hey! Put him back!" Brad laughed as he grabbed the bear and threw him on his bed.

"As you can tell." I laughed. "I'm not in my usual setup because MICHELLE TOOK OVER THE APARTMENT." I laughed. "Kidding but we're in Brad's room and today I'm going to do a video showing how I abuse Brad."

"WHAT THE HELL" Brad laughed.

"Kidding." I laughed. "But um..... We're.... Erm... I CAN'T TALK TODAY!" I said as I blew a raspberry.

"Today we're going to do a Q & A by opening your Snapchat questions." Brad said finishing my sentence.

"Anyways, let's get on with the video." I laughed. I opened a video, with a girl singing "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?"


"What?" I asked as Brad looked at me.

"At these times I question why we're dating." Brad laughed.

"I remember when I was visiting my cousins school, someone wrote 'Frozen Is A Dope Movie' literally on the walls of the bathroom." I laughed.

"Was it weird when you guys had your first kiss I love you guys!" The girl said in the next snapchat.

"Aww I love you too! And heck yes, it was probably the most awkward eat situation." I laughed.

"Yeah, I think it's because we were kid of friend zoned. And we never really like was free." Brad said weirdly.

"Free?" I laughed. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure I was good."

"Not even like I was the good kisser." Brad said.

"You were a horrible kisser." I laughed as Brad started to lean in to kiss me.

"This is how not to kiss." Brad laughed as he did the Spider-Man upside down kiss, the slobbery kiss which I was pretty frightened of, and the awkward kiss.

"Those three demonstrations." I laughed.

"Yeah ok." I said. "He's a good kisser." Note the sarcasm. "Next question?"

"What was the last text you sent to each other?" The next girl says.

"I think the last text was about the double chins that Brad sent me." I laughed.

"Yeah it's because I don't really like texting back and forth. I mostly like seeing and talking to each other in person." Brad shrugged.

"Next one!" I said as I clicked on another video.

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