Chapter 18

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I haven't really seen Nikolai or Harlem that past few days but my guess is that something big happened. One day when I was walking through the main hall, I noticed a glass door and when I opened it, i was quite shocked by what was revealed behind it.

A large garden filled with... puppies!

I heard Nikolai talk about dogs being here but I didn't know where they were and I certainly didn't know that there would be puppies.

And ever since then, I would come to the garden often to read a book and play with the puppies. With Vinnie of course since he can't leave my side. Which isn't really a bad thing. He makes me feel a lot less lonely and I decided that today would be the day that I question the hell out of him cause #1 I know nothing about him except for his name and #2 he'll be stuck with me for the rest of my life (or the rest of his who knows) so I might as well get to know him.

"So Vinnie... what's your full name?" I asked the man who was standing next to me.

He looked a bit confused but answered anyway.

"Vincent Adamovich."

"Oh. Why do people call you Vinnie then?"

"Im not sure actually... they just started calling me that back in the orphanage. I just told everyone that was my name from there on."

"Oh your an orphan too? Please tell me your story. If you don't mind that is. I don't want make you uncomfortable."

Although I'm pretty sure he was very comfortable since he never looked tense around me. Or maybe I'm just too blind to see it.

He shook his head before answering letting me know that he doesn't give a fuck. Which made me crack a grin cause now my nosy ass can ask whatever the hell I want.

"It's alright, I couldn't care less. My mother and father were killed when I was 7. I was then sent to an orphanage where I spent all my childhood and teenage years until I was 17 when I requested to recruit for the military simply because I was bored out of my brain. Then when I was 21, I somehow landed myself in Russia as a captive and was tortured for 2 years along with 3 other soldiers Including Damon. Caesar got us out and had us hospitalized for a few weeks and over time we got closer. Then me and Damon ended up in the Russian military force because I would've been killed if I went back to Ukraine. Now I am 32 and stuck with you for the rest of my life." He said briefly.

" don't even look a day over 25. That's such a waste though. All that training and trauma only to be stuck with me."

"It's alright. I had a choice whether I wanted to join or not. I wasn't going to but seeing Isaac and Caesar go made me want to come along. So really I got myself into this mess."

"Hey does Caesar and Isaac hate each other? I've seen them make faces at each other in the middle of the hallway whenever they pass by each other and steal mean glances from each other every now and then..."

Vinnie seemed to have tensed up at what I just said. I guess I'm not supposed to know. Then he kneeled down next to me and answered my question.

"Look... don't tell this to a single soul you hear me? No one can know about this. Not even Harlem....
Isaac and Caesar used to be a thing back in Russia but they broke up cause of an argument I think.. but anyway after they broke up, they didn't talk for months until Harlem called for 30 soldiers. Isaac was forced to come so he could lead us since he was the general and Caesar was also forced to come because he was supposed to be Isaac's wingman but after they broke up, Caesar requested for Isaac to find another partner but since Isaac declined, Caesar had no choice but to abide by the rules and deal with it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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