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"Was it Nikolai?" Harlem Said with a hesitant tone. "I'm afraid so. He managed to hack the code that was on the outside of his cell. I'm not sure how he even did that in the first place, my guess is maybe someone who you used to be in bed with him?" Lankov said eyeing the man next to him. Something no one but lankov knew was that Harlem and that very criminal used to be sex buddies and Harlem would always be drunk while doing it with him. lankov only figured it out when he walked in on them and Harlem made him take an oath to not tell anyone. Nikolai did many unspeakable things which caused Harlem to lock him up in their prison which holds only the most notorious killers. The government of the nearby country had placed them there after gaining Harlems trust. His ways seemed to have impressed the councils of that country. That very country being RUSSIA.

They met when Harlem went for a meeting there when he was 21. The council knew exactly how he was and what he did to the people who wronged him as the news went flying around the country and later landed in other countries. He was never arrested though because he lived on his own island and the only way he would be arrested would be through the Russian province. The province and Harlem together then made a deal. Harlem would hold the most notorious criminals on his island as long as he gets to do whatever he likes to do with them in exchange. He's very sadistic. At the meeting, he met someone. Nikolai who was tall strong man who seemed like he could've been trusted but they were wrong. He murdered over 70 people within one week but before that, he was Harlems fuck buddy. After he finished his business with Harlem, he returned to russia where he committed these crimes. When he was caught, he was sent to the islands prison. Harlem thought he didn't care since they were only fuck buddies but something in him made him almost feel bad.

"Either way he can not go anywhere. The sea is too dangerous to swim through. Especially with the venomous fish. Not to mention once he reaches the port, there will be an identity check so I suggest we leave him out for at least a week and see how he manages to live. He'll probably come back around the area at least in hopes of some sort of sustenance. Are you alright Master Harlem?" Lankov asked the man who was staring at him cold and pale. He looked like a corpse. "Yes, I am fine. Just trying to remember my conversations with him. He was the council's technical assistant before this, correct?" Harlem asked. "Yes, I believe he was but he was fired after he was suspected of being a spy for the opposite side." Lankov said confusingly. "That's it. He must've planned this before he even got arrested in the first place. We need to find him IMMEDIATELY." Harlem said with a piercing stare into lankovs soul. "Yes master, I'll get tracking team on it right now." Lankov said shaking with fear. "Also alert them that there should be a tracker in his neck so search up his code in the computers and it should show his location. His code is the passcode to his cell. By the way if you can't reach him, Press the red button. It'll explode and decapitate him so if you can't find him alive, you'll find him dead." Harlem said while lankov was processing everything before running away to the team to track him down.

"What happened back there?" Keith asked. "Nothing that concerns you dear. Where's the kid?" Harlem asked while taking a sip of his wine. "He's in bed. When do you plan on getting him in school?" Keith questioned with a low face looking to the side while fidgeting with his ring. "He'll start home school next week when his book shipment comes in. Why the long face dear?" Harlem said with a visible smirk on his face that could send Keith into spirals. As much as Keith doesn't want to, he's slowly falling for Harlem but he really doesn't want to considering the situation. "Nothing. I'm just concerned." Keith said while leaning back on the chair putting one of his arms over the top of the chair board. "What are you concerned about? Everything seems quite normal." Harlem said taking another sip of his wine.

"Normal? What normal person has their own personal prison filled with real prisoners." Keith said furrowing his eyebrows. "Me of course. What do you expect from a Russian mafia leader who doesn't like the idea of criminals walking around freely?" Harlem said with a cold stare. "Shouldn't those criminals be in the prison that is within the country?" Keith said. "I made a deal with the regime. They keep their notorious criminals who always try to escape here in exchange for me to do whatever I want to those said criminals." Harlem said peacefully. "What about the ones back in California? You had a whole ass prison in your basement." Keith said while furrowing one of his eyebrows. "Those are just for fun. I keep them there just for my own pleasure. Besides the place came with a prison already filled with prisoners, it would be a waste to not take advantage of that." Harlem said before lankov walked in and said something in his ear. "мы нашли его, но он не двигается с места. нажмем кнопку?" Lankov said with a tired face and tone. "пригрозить ему первым. скажи ему, что произойдет, если мы нажмем кнопку. если он все равно не шевелится, то просто нажмите сенсорную кнопку и чип в нем должен начать вибрировать." Harlem replied with an even colder tone.

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