Chapter 13.5 Sam and Minx Part II

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     Her wrists crack under the force of his grip. If I don't do something soon he'll crush her wrists and she'll never be able to fight again. With his strength he would be a valuable allie. Alas, I can't let him cripple my Minx.

     "Sambushi-Sam, help me," Minx cries.

Bushi used void strike.

I appear above the Incineram-noct and jam my sword straight through his skull. Blood erupts into the air as cold steel pierces flesh. He can't even cry out in agony as my sword pierces through his brain all the way into his belly.

Minx falls to the ground freed from his grasp. There's a look of satisfaction in her eyes as I pull my sword slicing the front half of him open. His guts spill onto the ground in front of him as he makes a dramatic fall.

Minx has become accustomed to gore, more so maybe, she desires it, she desires death.

"Come on Sambushi, we need to burn this place down," Minx says looking around sickened by her surroundings.

"You're right, we can't let them treat Pals this way, these sick bastards need to be stopped," I reply.

We head further down looking for whatever powers this place. When we find it it's more disturbing than we could have imagined.

The door creaks as it opens up revealing a large circular room. Wires drape down from the ceiling meeting at the base of small beds. Beds which upon rests a number of Grizzbolt. What's powering this facility, is those Grizzbolt.

"Don't think of unplugging them that would only kill them," a strange man says stepping up behind me.

Minx goes in to strike but I stop her.

"A wise decision, now, why don't you tell me why two lucky pals are sneaking around my sanctuary?" He asks with a strong sense of violence in his voice.

"We're here to stop you, you sick bastard!" Minx yells.

"Minx, he can't understand you," I say holding her tighter.

"Incorrect, because of my appearance you think I am human, but I can assure you my friend, I am something greater," he says with a grin.

"Fine then, why don't you show me what you are," I say drawing my sword.

     Minx readies herself for battle as I take a fighting stance. I'm not sure how much I've bitten off to chew, but I can't back down now.

     The glint of the blade pierces the air as I bolt toward my target. It cuts through striking a loud bang as it breaks the sound barrier. The earth around us trembles as Bushi's blade clashes with an electromagnetic force. He's got ancient technology.

     Minx leaps into the air and slams down ontop of him. He dissapears and the earth cracks beneath her as Minx's paw impacts the ground.

     "Stop moving around and take your beating mother fucker!" Minx yells.

     "Minx, this is the field of battle, show some dignity and watch your language," I yell.

     "Your pal is a particularly fiesty one, as she usually is, ever so eager to save you, never thinking she's imprisoning you," the man says smirking.

     "What do you mean?" I ask.

     I hear a loud 'die mother fucker!' as Minx leaps past me toward him. He grabs her ankle  forcing her to the ground. Minx struggles against him but he gets the better of her.

     "Wait, don't hurt her!" I yell.

     The hairs raise on the back of my neck as I hear it. The cracking of bones sends a chill down my spine. I approach as Minx's corpse falls to the ground. Her head twisted in a position it shouldn't reach. I almost crawl to her before craddling her in my arms.

     "What did you do!" I yell as tears roll down my cheeks and drip onto my sweet Minx.

     "She was merely an obstacle, surely you know this is all for science, we've already obtained immortality, there's nothing we can't gain from these islands," he says raising a wine glass.

     The moment stands still as I take in what has happened. The man lazes about patiently. This all seems a silly game to him.

     "Who are you?" I say still clutching Minx's dead corpse.

     He steps into the middle of the lab taking a bow. Leaning up his face fills with a preposterous grin.

     "I am doctor Patrick Allan Lariat," he replies.

     "Bring her back, I want you to bring her back," I say holding Minx close.

     "Ah, so soon, the calamity draws near, I can't bring her back, but I can send you to her," Patrick replies.

     "Please, she needs me," I say bowing my head.

     The wind blows in a particularly unsettling way as he pulls a pistol from his coat. I feel cold steel against my head and look up. There's a hollow look in his eyes. Eyes like small orbs filled with holes leading to the void. An empty place devoid of emotion, an empty place filled with nothing.

     "Is she really worth it?" he asks.

     "Everytime," I say with a broken smile.



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