Chapter 1 Palpagos Isles

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Warm water rushes over my body as the tips of my fingers dig into wet sand. The last bit of sunlight pears over the horizon as I open my emerald eyes. Behind me there's the glow from a large ship overcome by flames. The beach is littered with debris. I know where I'm at, and why I'm here, but I don't remember who I am.

A light flickers near a patch of trees drawing my attention. Every breath is taxing as I climb to my feet. My body is as bare as the day I was born, and I feel spent.

     A tattered bit of cloth washes ashore beside me and I use it to cover myself. A familiar beep draws my attention to the sand below me. It's emanating from a small device. The screen is flickering as I pick it up. I slap the side and it begins to play a message.

User #072, welcome to the Palpagos Isles. Your objective is to investigate the towers. All that lies within the shadow of Gaia is in it's domain. And remember. We are all pals here.

By instinct I head inland. If I came here on a ship then surely someone knows I'm here. Then again, what happened to the ship? I need to find out what's going on before the wrong someone finds me.

As the sun drops so does the temperature. I'm shivering when I approach the small fire. I can feel eyes on me. Someone is watching, and also, something. My hands warm over the fire as twigs snap in the forest around me. The presence I feel has a strange aura. It's not human. Perhaps the people moving closer to us were its intended prey, and the fire was a trap.

The air changes and I look up at the night sky. There aren't any clouds, yet the stars barely light the forest. The island seems tropical, but the weather is strange. Warm days and freezing nights.

     Men with rifles move in on me. I have no weapons to speak of. What could they possibly want from me? I've nothing but my life. Maybe they've come to take that. I'm thinking this is the end when I hear a familiar voice.


Bright violet eyes shine through the tree line as the creature approaches. Suddenly I'm weightless floating into the air. I'm in some sort of strange bubble. I look about me in a panic as red lasers pierce the air. The men with rifles have surrounded us. I can't move. Are these the men that attacked the ship? Is this where I die?

Loud bangs pierce the bubble as their projectiles attempt to penetrate it. Moving around a bit I see the white furred creature struggling to hold up against the men's firepower. It must be the one that created this bubble.

"Lunaris!" It yells as the bubble pulses outward knocking the men back.

The bubble dissipates and I fall to the ground making a thud.

Looking up I see the creature staring down at me. Its eyes are cold and worried. Why is this pal trying to save me? The ground around us, no, the world around us seems to disappear and I black out.

When I wake again, I'm lying in a cave holding white fur. The creature turns over and stares into my eyes. It has large piercing violet eyes. I feel strange as I gaze into them as if gazing into an endless void. Quickly I turn away before I am lost forever.

"Luna-ris," it says trying to turn my head toward its eyes.

"Stop, I won't be under your control if that's what you want," I say turning away.

"Luna, Luna, Luna!" It yells.

"I don't know what you're saying, but I've studied Pals so I know that if I look in your eyes, you'll control me," I say pushing it away.

The creature grabs me forcefully.

If you stare into the eyes of a Lunaris it gains control over you. I never thought I'd meet one. My gut is telling me there is something off about this one though.

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