Chapter 13 Sam and Minx vs Palworld

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     Blood is always red, as is the tip of my blade

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Blood is always red, as is the tip of my blade. My name is Sambushi, and this is what I remember of my journey.

     Once I knew the emotion that the humans call love. Now I know loss. An emptiness that you can never fill. A hole that you fall into, but never climb out of. And that's why I keep chasing it, like a Lovander I run through the darkness ready to pounce on the first sign of what I think the emotion love is. Only to chase it endlessly without fruitful recompense.

     Blood splashes against my skin as my blade splits an artery in the syndicate soldier's leg. Cries of agony ring through the air as I rip the blade upward slicing a deep hole in the right side of his throat. He suffers on the ground as he chokes on his own blood.

     A bullet grazes my shoulder and I turn my blade on another soldier. The blade slices him clean in half and he looks down at his waist with fear in his eyes. The wails he makes into the night air as the top portion of his body separates from the bottom only end when my cold steel pierces his skull.

     That's not enough though. More men run in and I grab Minx's arm. She's reluctant to leave.

     "We'll run off and go where? they'll hunt us for the rest of our lives," she yells.

     "Then it is us against Palworld, my Minx," I reply.

     Her eyes light up and we run into the darkness being chased by mad men with guns. I pull Minx into a cave and they pass us as rain clouds move in blocking the moonlight.

     "You saved me, I was betraying you, why did you save me?" Minx asks.

     "I am a samurai, I save the innocent, we have no quarrel but the quarrel your captors wished us to have, now let's enjoy some rest while we can, the world isn't going to stop for us, so we'll have to stop for it while we can," I say rolling out a large pelt.

     "Is that a Mammorest pelt?" Minx asks.

     "It is indeed, they're not easy creatures to fell, but they make for great sleep, I only ask that you rest with me senorita," I reply.

     I lie awake for hours holding Minx as she sleeps. The way she moves in her sleep, the night terrors. She's been through a lot. I know what that's like so I won't let her down.

     The sun rises and Minx leans up holding my blanket over her bare chest. I'm sitting by the fire cooking Chikipi eggs when I notice she's awake. Her ears flutter a little while she ponders her surroundings. She must be timid.

     "I made you something to eat, are you hungry?" I ask.

    "You're Sam right, where are my clothes?" She asks.

    "Minx, you're a pal, you don't have clothes," I reply.

     "Oh, I had a weird dream, wait, you saved me from those men, what is it you want, are you a pervert?" she asks squinting her eyes.

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