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"Jiwoo— before you go just hear me out." Sunghoon grabbed her wrist, as they had dropped all of their items and ran out of the store.

She turned to look at him, and he was slightly concerned at her appearance. He noticed how she had lost a noticeable amount of weight.

"What is it, Sunghoon?" She said coldly.

"I know this will probably add more onto your plate but now is a good time to tell you before it's all resolved" Sunghoon said all in one breath.

"Go on"

"I like you, Jiwoo." He confessed,

"but I'm not yours. And he'll love you in all of the ways I can't."

"Sunghoon, I—"

"I know you don't like me back. I've known that you haven't liked me back since for forever. But I couldn't help but fall for you, Jiwoo."

"And I'm sorry— I'm sorry for falling in love with you."

"Jungwon really loves you, and you deserve someone like him."


"You need to go home, now" he cut her off, turning her around in the direction of her road, "He's waiting for you"

"What if I don't want to speak to him?" Jiwoo asked, but they both knew damn well she had been wanting to.

"You just need to get the full story, at least."

"Why can you tel—"

"It's not my place, to tell you Jiwoo. Go, now."

Jiwoo felt a sense of urgency overcome her, and she began sprinting back home.

He's waiting for me?

This is all too much to take.

Sunghoon loves me?

What on earth is going on?


Jiwoo opened her front door and slammed it shut, breathing heavily from the amount of cardio she had just completed.

"Hyejin, Yuji—" Jiwoo called out, but she found the two waiting for her.

"Jungwon's here to speak to you, Ji" Yujin said calmly.

".. where?"

"He's waiting in your room" Hyejin replied.

Jiwoo dashed up the two flights of stairs into her loft bedroom, and swung her bedroom door open.

There he was, looking out of her window, waiting for her.

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