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the following Monday ~

Out of all the things Jiwoo had to do when she was drunk, it had to be make out with her best friend's crush.

It was definitely Deja vu all over again, besides the fact that this time her best friend wasn't going to be at school for two weeks, and she had to apply a crazy amount of concealer, foundation and various other makeup products to cover up the hickeys Jungwon had left on her neck last Friday.

Thankfully, she had done a pretty good job of covering the hickeys up, but she was doing a very good job of covering up the guilt she was feeling.

And who was there to tell?

Sooyun hadn't bothered to send Jiwoo a message explaining herself that day, but Jiwoo was thankful for that, because she had done way worse than what Sooyun did to her.

"What's up?" Jake frowned as he looked at Jiwoo's expression while they walked down the hallway.

"I can't sit with you guys at lunch today" Jiwoo said

"Huh? Why?"

"I.. I can't say." Jiwoo hung her head low as she headed in the direction of the library.

"You can't tell me, right? I'll sit with you" Jake smiled

".. fine" Jiwoo sighed, hesitantly agreeing.

She let out an exasperated sigh as she laid her head on the table.

"You.. seem to be in quite an issue" Jake says, "but- if I'm being honest, Sooyun seems like quite a controlling person don't you think? Has she tried to get in the way of any of your past relationships- or situationships? I know it doesn't relate for what you're going through right now but I'm interested"



"Ji!" Sooyun squealed as she showed Jiwoo her phone, which had the messages app up.


do you wanna hang out some time? ^^

What you wanna do?


"Jaemin..? As in- the Jaemin I've been talking to for the past four months?" Jiwoo said quietly

"What's the long face? Aren't you happy I'm going on a date?" Sooyun pouted at her best friend's unexpected reaction

"No I- I am it's just I've been talking to him for some time.." Jiwoo replied

"Do you REALLY like him? Surely you get the message he doesn't like you if he said yes to me.." Sooyun stated, resting her chin on her hand.

"I- well.."

"Can't you just be happy for me?" Sooyun frowned, crossing her arms

"Sorry, Yun" Jiwoo replied, smiling softly,
"I'm happy for you."


Hyunjin playfully puts paint on Jiwoo's arm, as they chuckle at the back. Sooyun glares at the pair, from her allocated seat at the front.

"What the hell was going on with you and Hyunjin in art just now?" Sooyun asked Jiwoo as they walked to their next class

"We were just play fighting, why? Were we loud?" Jiwoo tilts her head, blushing a bit, worried that she and Hyunjin distracted others.

"You can't talk to him, and yes, you were so loud and annoying" Sooyun demanded

"Wait- huh? Why can't I talk to him?"

"Because I think he's cute, so you can't talk to him as he might like you! Stop blushing Ji.." Sooyun furrowed her eyebrows

"Yun, why didn't you tell me before?! I didn't know— really! And I'm not blushing because of him I'm blushing because we disrupted the class"

"Uh huh." Sooyun said as she walked ahead.

"Yun! Don't be mad at me please! I won't talk to him." Jiwoo pleaded.


"I have something to tell you.." Sooyun said to Jiwoo as they walked to school.

"Ooh, what is it?" Jiwoo asked in anticipation.

"I'm dating Hajun!" Sooyun announced

"WHAT? But- Sooyun.." Jiwoo gasped, her excitement died down quickly.

"What's wrong?" Sooyun asked

Jiwoo had been talking to Hayun for 7 months, and they had been gone on a few dates.

"I- it's just that.." Jiwoo's words were stuck at her throat.

"I know you had a crush on him or whatever, but I'm sure we both know I'm the better choice, right?"

"I guess you're right.."


"Jiwoo, have you ever maybe wondered that Sooyun is the reason you've never had a boyfriend before?" Jake said putting his hands in the air, stating the pure obvious at what Jiwoo just recounted to him.

"No, not really, why should I? She's my best friend."

"That's not a best friend, that's a snake" Jake said

"What? How?"

"She's always gotten in the way of your chances of getting with a guy? Hello? Jiwoo are you blind?!" Jake asked, rubbing his temples, "I'm calling in back up."

"The hell we in here for?" Sunghoon said as he joined the two in the library

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