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after explaining everything ~

"Shit.. why is she so bipolar— one minute she's super nice and next she's a bitch to you? And she's your best friend?" Jake's jaw was dropped

Jiwoo obviously left out the part that Sooyun had a crush on Jungwon though.

"Maybe she's just having a bad day" I sigh, there was still half of the PE lesson left.

"How about we play volleyball, to get your mind off things?" Ni-ki suggested

"8 a side?" Sunoo raised his eyebrow

"There's a group of 8 over there, so we can do 8 a side" Jay pointed at Bangchan's friend group

"YOOO!! FELIX, YOU WANNA PLAY WITH US?" Jake called out to Felix, who was part of that group

"YEAH LETS GAUR" Felix agreed.

They played volleyball for a bit, and it got everything off of Jiwoo's mind.

She went into the changing rooms, where people asked if she was okay, feeling sympathy for the girl.

"Jiwoo!! I heard what happened, are you okay?" Haerin hugged her tightly, full of concern

"Yes I'm okay, don't worry" Jiwoo replied, thankful for her worry.

"Gosh.. if she going to be suspended? Expelled?" Haerin asked

"I'm not sure.. probably two weeks suspension. She would only get expelled if she broke a bone or something, but it was just three weak slaps" Jiwoo shrugged as she took off her pe shirt, hanging it up to dry in her changing room locker.

"Ohh I see, are you going to be called in for statements?"


All of Jiwoo's PE class was called to do statements for the entire day. Jiwoo didn't get anything as she didn't touch Sooyun. While Sooyun got a two week suspension from school.

"So about what I said in PE, is she really making you not talk to Jungwon?" Sunghoon asked Jiwoo while they headed to the cafeteria.

"It was the only condition she made so she could forgive me" Jiwoo explained, but hesitantly added, "but.. if she isn't in school for two weeks, she won't know will she?"

Sunghoon grinned and nodded


They sat the cafeteria, talking about Sooyun and the incident, most of all checking up on Jiwoo, to see if she was okay.

"Did you guys get matching necklaces? Since when, no fair~" Sunoo noticed the pairs' matching necklaces around their necks

"Oh, yeah we made them over the weekend" Jungwon proudly showed their necklaces, and Jiwoo held hers up too

The six others eyed Jungwon

Was this.. jealousy?

"Let's hang out this Friday, there's this theme park I wanted to go to" Jay said to Jiwoo

"Oohhh a group trip, I like the sound of that" Jake chimed in, and Jay shot him a dirty look

Jiwoo was confused to say the least, did they always act like this? Did she just not notice?

"A group trip to the theme park sounds like fun!" Jiwoo replied with a soft smile

"It's settled then, we'll go to the theme park on Friday— I could ask my parents if we could have a sleepover at mine too?" Sunghoon suggested, and their eyes lit up at the idea of a sleepover.

"Oh. My. God."



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