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the following Monday ~

Jiwoo watches her best friend wave at her from afar from their usual meet up point, and the guilt washed over her again.

"Morning Ji! What's up?" Sooyun gave her best friend a worried yet judging look

"Ah.. it's nothing" Jiwoo replied, scratching her neck

"You left me on read when I told you I liked Jungwon, was that on purpose?"

Jiwoo shook her head

"Sorry, someone else texted me when you sent me it and I forgot to reply to you"

"Ooh who texted you that was so important you had to put me on hold~" Sooyun wiggled her eyebrows

"Is it someone from Jungwon's friend group?"

It was Jungwon asking me to hang out, actually.

"Ah.. m—maybe..?" Jiwoo sounded unsure of herself but Sooyun took it as she was trying to tease her

"Tell me! Who was it?" Sooyun eagerly asked

"Ah.. I don't remember.. let's just talk about something else" Jiwoo nervously laughed

"What did you do over the weekend?"

I hung out with Jungwon and he kissed me.

"Not much.. I just hung out with Yujin, I haven't done that in a while so.."

"Oh is that why you were barely online? To be honest it was the same with Jungwon too.. do you think he spends time with this family a lot?"

The topic of Jungwon came back and Jiwoo just kept trying to bury down her feelings for him.

"I— I don't know.. maybe he does?" Jiwoo shrugged, trying not to care

The pair sat in homeroom together, but Jiwoo wasn't as responsive. On top of the whole Jungwon and Sooyun thing, had been feeling really dizzy today for some reason but she just assumed it was because she hadn't eaten in a while

The lunch bell finally rang and the boys waited for them outside of their classroom.

"Hey Ji, my aunt gave me the mug and necklace we made yesterday, do you me to give it to you today?" Jungwon and Sunghoon walked next to her, Sooyun walking in front

"You guys made mugs together? I thought you spent time with Yujin?" Sooyun frowned


Her words were stuck in her throat.

Then suddenly everything started to go blurry and she held onto Sunghoon and Jungwon's arms next to her.

"Ji? What's wrong?" Jungwon asked as Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows

"I—.." she started to say until she fainted.

Thankfully, Jungwon caught her before she hit the ground and everyone gasped in shock

"Jiwoo!?" Sunghoon said

Which made everyone that wasn't looking, look.

"Ji?!" Jungwon's voice trembled, and he picked her body up princess style

"What happened?" Sooyun asked

"Tell people to make way" Jungwon told Sunghoon and Sooyun

Before they knew it, Jungwon was holding Aecha and running down the hallway while Sunghoon and Sooyun screamed like maniacs for people to move out of the way while they made their way to the infirmary.

"N—nurse!" Sooyun threw the door open

"My, what's wrong Sooyun?" The nurse asked

"I— it's Jiwoo! She fainted!" Sunghoon explained

"Here she is" jungwon soon arrived with her curled up in his arms

"Put her down here" the nurse pointed at the bed, Jungwon laid Jiwoo down.

"I need you three to leave" the nurse ordered them

"Wait— wait wait, can't one of us stay at least?!" Sooyun argued as another nurse ushered them out

"Okay, one of you can stay." The nurse said

"I'll stay!" All three of them replied, looking at each other

"I said ONE not THREE!"

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They quickly played, and Jungwon won.

"I'll text you guys when she wakes up, tell the others what happened to her" Jungwon said before he entered.

"Is she okay?" Jungwon asked the nurse

"She's alright now, do you know how and what happened to her?"

"We were walking to the cafeteria, and then she like held onto me and my friend before she fainted. Then I brought her here straight away"

"You're a good boyfriend, what's your name again?" The nurse complimented him

"Yang Jungwon and— uh I'm not her boyfriend.." he added onto the end

"My, I thought you were her boyfriend considering how much you care for her, I apologise Jungwon"

"It's okay" he smiled, he couldn't hide the fact that he liked being called Jiwoo's boyfriend, and the heat on his cheeks made it clear.

"Is it okay if I leave you with her? I need to tend to the other students quickly"

"S-sure.." Jungwon nodded

"Just show her this slip, it's what she should read before she takes this medicine. She can leave when she wakes up" The nurse handed Jungwon Jungwon two pieces of paper stapled together and a tub of pills

He was curious as to why you fainted, and took a look at the piece of paper

name : Ahn Jiwoo
class : 2-1
injury : collapsed
reason : not eating enough

The rest was talking about what she should do to recover. His eyes widened, and he looked at the small jar of pills which read. "Anti sickness pills"

"W—what does all of this mean.." he muttered under his breath, but he pretended that he didn't read it.

Jiwoo soon woke up, and Jungwon's face lit up

"Where am I..?" Her eyes darted around the room

"The infirmary, you collapsed" Jungwon replied to her, walking to her side, "the nurse told me to give you this"

He handed her the pieces of paper and the jar of pills

"Thank you Jungwon.." Jiwoo bowed to him a they left the infirmary

There was only a little amount of time left of lunch, but thankfully their friends bought them lunch to eat.

"I was so worried Ji!" Sooyun hugged Jiwoo, Sunghoon gave her an odd look, as it took quite a long time for Sooyun to realise Jiwoo had collapsed.

"I'm okay now" Jiwoo smiled

Jungwon watched Jiwoo, as she ate only a bit of her lunch and he furrowed his eyebrows.

When they got back to their last class of the day, Jiwoo found a bag of chips on her desk and tilted her head

"Who could this be from?" Sooyun asked, taking the bag of chips off of Jiwoo's desk.

Jungwon watched from afar and his face dropped, that was not part of his plan.

"You can have it if you want..?" Jiwoo told Sooyun


"No problem.."

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