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"It's you again", grumbled Manyeo as soon as Minho materialized into her living room. "Haven't you got anything better to do?"

"And go a day without seeing your lovely face, I think not", snickered Minho since it wasn't like he could contradict Manyeo's statement in any way or form. He had spent a vast amount of time at the witch's place, looking after Han. Technically, there were other things for him to do, other responsibilities to carry, but his friends had declared him a safety hazard as he was too absentminded to concentrate on pretty much anything. His head was filled to the brim with worry and guilt, not leaving any space for other thoughts. Whenever he let Han out of his sight, a deep and heavy feeling of wrongness settled in his stomach. Like a bad foreboding. Thus, they had all agreed it would be best if Minho took on the task of looking after Han.

The only times he wasn't with the cursed boy was when he had to sleep. Even then, Minho had tried to debate for him to stay at Manyeo's hut, but Chan had been adamant about him coming home. He wanted to make sure that Minho got a proper amount of good restful sleep.

Whenever he was gone, some of the others filled in for him. Quite often it was Hyunjin, who carried a similarly preoccupied mind. Except his was filled entirely with worry, minus the guilt.

Changbin too, came to visit rather often. Even if it was just for a short moment, it was like he had to check for himself that Han was still there and still fine.

Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin had popped by once or twice, but since there wasn't much they could do to help, they instead focused on other tasks that had to be done. They were working extra hard so that Minho Hyunjin and Changbin could look after of Han.

Chan was the only one who hadn't visited at all. Minho suspected that it was because Chan was afraid he wouldn't be able to leave once he did. That he would disregard all his other responsibilities for his oldest friend.

Minho could emphasize, it was always hard to leave. Even for him who spent so much time here.

"Too damn bad you're not a witch, you would have made an excellent one", cackled Manyeo.

Minho had gotten to know the old women a lot better these past days and he had come to learn that she was not much unlike himself and Seungmin. She tended to hide her caring and good-natured side behind a thick wall of sarcasm and grumpiness.

Once one broke through that wall, her softer side was not to be overlooked.

Minho would even go as far as to say that they had formed something close to a weird friendship.

"The only witches I know are you and Seungmin...so I'm not sure whether I can take this as a compliment", pondered Minho, suppressing the twitch of his lips.

"Truth be said, witches are not the nicest folk", sighed Manyeo, suddenly much more serious. "You've found a special one with Seungmin, especially considering the coven he came from. A real gem this one."

"He is", smiled Minho softly, infected by her short moment of affectionate vulnerability.

It itched Minho to question Manyeo more about Seungmin's past, about his family and upbringing as everything he has come to know so far didn't sound too pleasant. Still, he kept them in check since he knew it was up to Seungmin to share these answers himself.

"Han's condition hasn't changed much, but I think it won't be long before it will decide", switched Manyeo the topic. "Keep a close eye on him, I have a feeling it might come to an end today."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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