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One part of him hated that he had requested for Han to train them.

Another part of him was thrilled by it.

He'd like to blame it on the fact that he had been training with the same people for so long that it was really refreshing to get some new flavor into the mix. And if Han brought anything to the table, it was flavor.

It was a flavor that was foreign to Minho, and it exited him more than he'd ever admit to anyone.

The feelings of hatred hadn't left though and now he had those contrasting emotions of contempt and excitement storming inside him. It made him even more moody than usual.

He kept reminding himself that this would only last for two more weeks and after that he could get Han out of his mind forever. He also assured himself that it was most likely that his interest in the human would subside in about three to four days. After that he would have stilled his curiosity and the only emotions that he would have left for him would be detestation.

"You're early, Lino", Minho's fingers twitched as he heard Han approach. He had given up on correcting the younger. It was obvious that he was doing it on purpose and Minho tried his best to ignore it, not wanting to give Han the satisfaction of getting under his skin.

"What can I say, I missed your ugly face."

"Well if you were in need of an ugly face, you should have simply looked in the mirror", shot Han back without missing a beat.

Unwillingly, a grin spread on Minho's lips. "No face compares to yours."

"Is that the reason you creepily watched me in my sleep?", Han looked at him with a sarcastically shocked expression. "You're not by any chance falling for me, are you?"

Minho almost choked on air. "Are you nuts?"

Han's laugh boomed through the gym as he enjoyed the flabbergasted expression on Minho's face.

"I was only contemplating if I should suffocate you with a pillow. You snore like a motherfucker, did you know that?", Minho tried to regain his composure.

Luckily, Han didn't actually snore, but Minho had noticed that the boy was having nightmares every single night. He would wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and panting, sometimes it sounded like he was choking, like he couldn't breathe properly. On rare occasions he would mumble in his sleep and when he did, it sounded always pained and frightened.

Minho would pretend to be asleep when that happened, he had the feeling that Han wouldn't want to talk about it, especially to him. But due to his overly sensitive senses he couldn't help but witness the nightmares and panic attacks every time.

When he mustered Han more closely, he could see the dark circles underneath his eyes, but the way Han acted so energetic all day confused him. Either the boy was suppressing some traumatic shit or his whole demeanor was nothing but a farce. Maybe it was a mixture of both.

"Keep telling yourself that, darling", teased Han, a cocky grin on his face. Minho could read from that expression alone that Han had found a new way to get under his skin and that he was very intent on using it in the future.

Two weeks.

He needed to suppress his murder instincts for only two weeks.

"Am I interrupting something?", Seungmin looked at them strangely as Minho held a staring contest with Han.

"No, I was just thinking that it's time for trash disposal soon", growled Minho but Han laughed only harder at that.

Seungmin, the wise boy he was, decided to not inquire further.

8 is fate // Stray KidsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang