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"Am I finally going crazy", Minho blinked a couple of times, almost as if he expected that the action would cause Han to disappear again.

"Sorry to disappoint, but not quite yet", chuckled Han amusedly as he walked closer.

Minho's mind went into overdrive. There were too many things he wanted to say, too much he wanted to ask.

"What are you doing here?", was the question that somehow managed to slip out first. He suppressed a frown, knowing that his voice sounded too cold and guarded. Han would probably think that he didn't want to see him, which wasn't the case at all.

"Taking a little stroll, and you?", Han stood now directly in front of Minho, one of his annoying smirks on display.

That was all it took for Minho's previous worries to diminish in a second.

"Are you fucking braindead?", snapped Minho at him. "Do you have any idea what's going on? How dangerous it is outside at night? You're fucking lucky that I ran into you first. Seven, what were you thinking?"

Han's smirk didn't even waver, quite the opposite, it broadened even more, riling Minho up further.

"Aw, are you worried for me?", teased him Han.

Minho gritted his teeth, he suspected a part of him had forgotten how fucking annoying the human was. He started to wonder why he had missed him in the first place.

"I take my statement back, I don't think you're lucky you ran into me first", growled Minho almost, his hands balled into fists. He could already see his fingers curling around the human's throat, slowly putting pressure on it. Making him choke on his stupid recklessness.

Han only laughed loudly at that as he stepped even closer and ruffled through Minho's hair. Before Minho could even process what he was doing, Han had already taken a step back. Intelligent enough to stay out of Minho's reach after the action. "You're cute when feisty."

"Fuck off", he pierced Han with a deadly glare, not that it seemed to have any effect on the younger.

Han only raised his arms in mocking surrender, slightly cocking his head to the side. "I'm just glad you seem to be doing well. I was worried you were being too hard on yourself after what happened. Good to see that there was no need for that. Quite the opposite, you look eager to finish the job this time around."

Minho knew that Han was only playing around, but the words still hit him with an unexpected force. He could feel all the blood drain from his face, his heart rate speeding up as guilt started to consume him once more.

"Shit, Han", his voice suddenly sounded thin and strained. "I'm so sor-"

"I don't want an apology", cut him Han off, a deep frown on his face. "I genuinely mean it, I don't want you to feel guilty. I don't want you to feel responsible. I like that you're acting like nothing happened, that you're not treating me any differently. Sorry, if I made it sound like I didn't mean it, I guess it's still too soon to joke about it."

Minho had to open and close his mouth a couple of times until he could form a proper response. Han had already said something similar in his letter but hearing him say it to his face had a much stronger impact.

"Shut up and let me get this over with", Minho decided that even if Han didn't want to hear it, it was still something he had to get off his chest.

"Already a promising start", chuckled Han, but not stopping Minho from continuing this time. "Can't wait for the rest of it."

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