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Hyunjin couldn't help but think that the way the two fought was mesmerizing.

Han matched Minho's energy perfectly. It seemed like he understood the way in which Minho moved, something that had always been a mystery to the others.

Hyunjin could feel a dozen questions burning on his tongue. Maybe there was a solution to fighting alongside Minho after all.

But what surprised Hyunjin just as much was that Minho seemed to match his energy to Han's as well. Hyunjin had never seen the other fight so controlled and calculating before. That weird rivalry between them might actually account for something good.

Sweat was dripping off Han's chin as he grabbed his water bottle and quickly gulped half of it down. Hyunjin watched how his chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to calm his breathing. He looked properly exhausted, which didn't come as a surprise to Hyunjin, fighting all of them wasn't easy even when one was in their best physical condition, and they all knew that Han was far from it.

He hoped that Han wouldn't overdo it, that he didn't feel like he had to prove something to anyone. That he didn't feel pressured to show his worth.

"How did that feel", Han looked at them curiously.

"Weird", started Chan. "It was weird to actively suppress my powers. At times I almost used them out of habit. But I've also noticed that I had to fight differently due to that, I think I was much more careful."

"I agree, fighting without powers is not something I'm used to, and I think I've gained a new perspective on the importance of raw physical training."

Hyunjin eyed Seungmin slightly surprised. Usually, Seungmin was the last to join a workout session, instead he preferred to stay in his study to try out new spells.

"Good, cause raw physical training is exactly what we're going to focus on the next days", an almost sadistic grin spread on Han's face and Hyunjin could feel a chill run down his spine. He knew Han wouldn't be going easy on them, he already started to feel sorry for his muscles.

While he didn't mind training as much as Seungmin did, he surely wasn't as passionate about it as for instance Changbin. To him, it was more of a means to an end.

"While our prime objective will be exactly that, I want to make the training schedule fit your usual fighting styles. There is no need to train you in a way that won't benefit you later on. That's why I want to see you fight the way you usually do, as a group and with powers and all."

"We rarely ever fight as a full group, usually we split up into teams of two", explained Chan.

"Fixed teams?", asked Han as he scanned them. Hyunjin knew that he was trying to match them up in his head. He gave a nod to affirm it and Han bobbed his head in return, still in thought. "Am I correct with the assumption that Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin are in different teams?"

Felix looked at him with wide eyes. "How -?"

"You and Seungmin aren't close-combat fighters and Hyunjin is the ultimate supporting fighter. It wouldn't make sense to put you guys together, you need someone who specializes in close combat, that way you balance each other out perfectly."

"You're right. My partner is Innie", Hyunjin flung himself at the younger who tried to push him away.

"I've got Changbin", Seungmin pointed to the boy to his right.

Han nodded and turned his attention to the remaining three. "Are you guys a trio then?"

Silence befell the room, but Minho spoke up before it could get too awkward.

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