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A shiver ran down his spine as he walked down the dark alley.

He wasn't sure why he had come here.

It was a stupid bet, no one actually expected him to go through with it.

Maybe that's why he was here; to prove that he wasn't as soft as people thought him to be.

But he couldn't deny that he was starting to regret his decision. The Mudd's really weren't a place one wanted to be, especially alone and at night.

It was too late to pull back now, though.

His feet carried him into a bar which was unexpectedly empty. His eyes roamed around the room until he found a sign that led him downstairs, straight to the cellar. Straight to an underground fighting ring.

Usually, this would have been the point where Felix would have realized that this was a shitty idea and that he should get back home before someone noticed that he was gone. But for some reason, he didn't stop. Instead, he slowly began to walk down the stairs.

Thick air, accompanied by raucous bawling, greeted him when he reached the cellar.

Felix made his way through the crowd until he found a free spot with a good view onto the ring.

Glowing numbers floated in the air just above the ring, timing the fight. They told Felix that the match had started almost two minutes ago.

Only one look at the fight was enough to make Felix's insides twist.

A boy his age stood in the ring and he was already badly bruised. Even from the distance, you could see that he was way too gaunt to be a fighter.

Every once in a while, the boy attempted a counterattack but they were sloppy and uncoordinated.

Felix didn't expect the fight to last long. He hoped it wouldn't last long so that the boy wouldn't have to suffer too much.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that the boy was a human. This match had been decided before it had even started.

Opposite to Felix's wishes, the match didn't end quickly. It went on for an excruciating long period of time.

He wasn't sure if he should admire the will of the young fighter who kept on standing, or to shake his head at his foolishness. Enough was enough.

It dragged on for so long, that it became painful to watch.

And the longer Felix witnessed the fight the clearer a thought formed in his head.

Not just a thought, a determination.

There was no fucking way, he would leave the boy in this place to rot. Because this was the only future Felix could envision for the slave if he were to stay there.

Having made this decision, a warm feeling engulfed him.

And he became sure that this was the right thing to do.

Looking at Han now, Felix was beyond confused.

The human was nothing like he had imagined. This whole situation was nothing like he had imagined.

At first, Han had seemed closed off and unapproachable as well as rude.

It was hard to believe that he was the same boy who sat in front of him right now, making Changbin laugh so hard that he almost choked on his food, while Chan almost fell off his chair.

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