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"Is this really necessary?", Han glanced around, looking completely out of place.

"You need some new clothes", Felix didn't seem to notice Han's discomfort. His eyes were sparkling in anticipation, he loved shopping.

"And maybe a haircut. Are you trying to copy me?", Hyunjin tucked at Han's long hair.

"Jealous that I can pull it off better than you?", Han didn't miss a beat to counter.

Hyunjin scoffed but you could see the corners of his lips turn upwards. "You wish!"

Jeongin had to hide a smile, he enjoyed watching the two banter. In a weird way, it looked like both boys had their walls down when they were with each other. No pretense, no filter. And although they mostly teased each other, it was clear that they admired one another.

"I have to admit though, that I like your black hair more than the blonde, makes you look more mature", pointed Han out, taking Hyunjin by surprise. Compliments didn't seem to be their usual form of communication.

"Thanks, I needed a change after I left the arena."

"If the two of you are done flirting, can we get going?", Seungmin stood next to them, impatiently tapping his foot. He preferred doing things efficiently and standing around talking didn't fit that criterion.

As Felix dragged Han and Hyunjin with them, Seungmin and Jeongin followed quietly.

Both of them didn't need to tag along to the little shopping spree but they didn't trust Han fully. For now, they preferred to keep a close eye on him. Just in case.

Jeongin wasn't sure what he was supposed to think or feel. J.One was someone he had looked up to, but it was also someone he had seen die. The fact that he suddenly, by luck, appeared in front of them, sharing a past with not only one but three of their friends, just seemed too big of a coincidence to be true.

Jeongin had already lost too many loved ones and he was determined to not let the past repeat itself. This time, he would protect everyone.

And for now, he wasn't sure if Han was a friend or a threat.

"You don't trust him either, do you?", Seungmin had stepped closer to Jeongin, lowering his voice as he spoke so the others wouldn't hear him.

"Not yet", admitted Jeongin as he watched Felix, Han and Hyunjin step into a store. Felix looked excited, while Hyunjin looked very much amused, likely because Han looked like he was being tortured. "That Channie und Binnie trust him this much is reassuring and unsettling at the same time."

"Yeah, I feel the same. They don't usually trust that easily and he's basically a stranger."

"Is he though? They have known him for years, they grew up together."

"Sure, but it's also been years since they have seen each other. Time can change people", reasoned Seungmin. "He certainly didn't seem happy to see them again. By the seven gods, he looked like he was ready to kill them and suddenly everything is supposed to be perfectly fine?"

"To be honest, I think I saw more pain than aggression in his eyes", Jeongin thought back to their first encounter. Han's action had seemed desperate, confused and defensive, all hidden behind a layer of wrath. Jeongin was very familiar with the concept of hiding one's feelings behind a facade.

"I guess I was a bit too distracted by the fact that he was trying to choke Chan to pay attention to that", there was a slight edge to Seungmin's voice. He could be incredibly protective of his friends.

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