Chapter 16

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Alright, Supergrass
There were three of them, and there were only two available seats. Jisung looked up at his friends. "Odd or even?" Chan and Changbin exchanged a look.

"Odd," they moved their hands, and finally left out Jisung, who had lost to Changbin.

"Damn it!" Jisung cursed under his breath, while Changbin laughed it off.

Now it was his turn to sit next to a stranger, again. He then scanned the various available seats to find a vacant place to sit. He took his backpack off his shoulder by sitting down at one of the free seats on the bus, not that he had much choice after all. He settled into one of the free seats on the bus, resigned to his fate.

The bus was suffocating, packed with people, the hot air lingered on his skin. The guy next to him was sleeping, or so it seemed, he had his eyes closed and his arms wrapped around in front of his chest.

Shit! He paused for a moment, struck by surprise he realized who it was


His heart skipped a beat, as if he had just tried to sink into the abdominal cavity.

Minho heared some footsteps approaching his seat. God, he really hoped someone wouldn't sit next to him. He did not want to be bothered, especially didn't feel like socializing with a complete stranger. He wanted to maintain his inner peace.

"Oh," was the first thing he could come up with when he opened his eyes.


"Hi," Jisung said a little breathless. He settled into the seat next to Minho; he couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief wash over him. Out of all the people he could have ended up sitting next to on this crowded bus, it had to be Minho.

In fucking Italy.

"You look different," was the first thing Minho got out of his mouth. Jisung laughed. His dark, messy hair was now blonde. His skinny physique was not so skinny anymore, his skin was tanned more than he remembered, and he wasn't wearing his glasses.

"Well, you're not the same either," Jisung replied. He looked different, his voice was different. The innocence was gone; now he had cherry-colored hair, with more defined features. He no longer had the body of a teenager; he had become a man, and coudln't deny how handsome he had become. His body was bigger and his eyes more profound. He was no longer the little boy he used to ride his bike home from school with.

"I liked you better with glasses."

"Too bad, I like me better without them."

"So, um, what brings you here?" Minho asked, clearing his throat. Nothing in the word could've prepared him for that moment.

"My friends and I decided to take a trip, you know." Minho nodded, a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips.

"What about you?"

"My parents gifted me a trip for graduation, so I thought before starting the internship, I would take some vacation days," he explained, gulping.

Fuck his inner peace.


"Well, a friend of mine had to come with me, but his dog got sick last minute so he decided to stay at home."

"Oh, I see, so you graduated med school?"

"Yeah, it's been a while, but I'm finally done," Jisung was impressed. But after all, Minho was the type that always reached his goals. He always knew who he was going to be.

"Guess I don't have to marry you after all."

"Guess not."

The bus rumbled on, the sound of the engine filling the silence between them. Minho thought about the last they had seen each other; god, it felt like a million years ago.

"Long time, huh?" Jisung spoke again, making Minho smile. He was still old Jisung.


"So where are you going?" Jisung continued, making himself comfortable on the seat.

"I don't know yet," Minho admitted.

"You should join us," he proposed. He didn't even know how it came out so natural and casual to him, but what the hell was he thinking!

"No, don't worry, I'm fine," Jisung shook his head.

"Come on, it will be fun, he already has made an itinerary, and I really would love some company other than those two crackheads," Minho smiled amused; even after all this time, he had his way of convincing him.

Minho opened his mouth to say something, to counter, looking for a way to refuse without seeming rude, but he failed. After a pause, he relaxed his shoulders, replying,

"Fine," he granted.

"It's boiling hot in here, isn't it?" Jisung took off his shirt, remaining in a loose tank top. Minho couldn't help but stare at his arms; he had the left one tattooed, nearly all of it, and thought about how good they looked on him.

"I can't believe we ended up here at the same time," Jisung said, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Me neither,god feels like a lifetime ago," Minho admitted, a small smile playing on his lips. They sat there in silence, both of them caught in their thoughts. Minho was turned toward the window with his gaze lost in the beautiful fields of the Tuscan countryside. So peaceful, unlike New York where it was always busy, and people were always in a rush for something.

"What are you thinking about?" Jisung asked.

"I was...I was just appreciating the view," Minho fumbled.

"Wait till you get to Florence."

"So where are you staying now? You said you'd move from Colorado, did you?"

"I moved to New York."

"No way! Me too!"


"Big city, huh," he remembered how Minho complained about moving to the suburbs in a small city, how much he despised quiet and serene places, and how much he'd rather deal with chaos and loud noises.

"I like the chaos, keeps me off my thou-" Minho's sentence was interrupted by a girl approaching their seats.

"Uhm hey guys, do you have a knife by any chance?" she was tall and was wearing a very short skirt that didn't leave much to imagination. She leaned on Jisung's seat to keep her from falling.

"No knife, sorry," Minho replied with a polite smile, while Jisung smirked and stood up, a grin plastered on his face. He moved a strand of the long brown hair away from the girl's face, pulling a pocketknife from behind her ear.

"There you go," the girl smiled and stretched out her hand to take the sharp object, but Jisung removed his hand instead.

"And what do I get?" Jisung replied after a pause.


"Well nice to meet you, Alice," he handed her the knife.

"Bye!" she turned around, finding Minho holding back an amused smile.

"What?" Jisung asked innocently, like he had no idea of the effect he had on people, but Minho knew that he was more than aware, that was the power that Jisung held. He was confident, handsome and he knew it.

Minho shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Nothing," he replied. He was still as casual and flirtatious as he remembered him.

Well i gotta say i'm very proud of coming up with the idea of the vacation and it was very fun and easy to write, unlike the last chapter hahahaha. Anyways i hope you guys'll like it. Byee.

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